Page 6 - QAD-TOF syetem
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Surprisingly simple

                        Positive/negative polarity switching opens possibilities for                                                    Effortless operation and reliable results
                        new applications

                                                                                                                                        Easy to switch between CID and OAD
                        Shimadzu's breakthrough innovation challenges the common belief that TOF instruments cannot undergo
                        efficient polarity switching. With the capability to achieve low-ppm mass measurement accuracies in short        CID is also possible with the OAD RADICAL SOURCE I
                        switching intervals, possibilities are now open to enhance the workflow with greater confidence and ease.
                                                                                                                                        installed. No special software is required, and
                                                                                                                                        LabSolutions  LCMS control and analysis software for
                                                                                                                                        LCMS-9050 can easily switch between OAD and CID for
                        Achieving both polarity switching and                                                                           analysis. Acquisition of a large amount of structural
                        Mass accuracy                                                                                                   information by OAD and CID can lead to new discoveries
                                                                                                                                        in lipids and other organic compounds.
                          Measure  Measure   Measure  Measure   Measure    The LCMS-9050 features a proprietary
                          Positive  Negative  Positive  Negative  Positive
                           ions     ions      ions     ions      ions      high-precision electrical circuit and the
                                                                           UFstabilization  algorithm (patent
                                 Switch   Switch    Switch   Switch                                                                                                                                                          [M + H] +
                                 polarity  polarity  polarity  polarity                                                                 Reliable structure estimation with
                                                                           pending) that make polarity switching                                                                                                           687.5537
                                   Illustration of Switching between       both fast and stable.                                        high mass accuracy
                                    Positive and Negative Ion Modes
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ∆m/z < 3 ppm
                                                                                                                                        The high mass accuracy achieved with the LCMS-9050
                                                                                                                                        remains unchanged even with OAD. High-quality MS/MS         591.4231
                                                                                                                                                                                                           O                 CH3
                        Increasing workflow efficiency with polarity switching                                                          data within ±3 ppm enables reliable structure estimation           O  O             CH3
                                                                                                                                        of compounds, including determination of the position              O   CH3  TG 18:1 (n-9)_16:0_4:0
                        Analysis that was previously performed twice in positive ion mode and negative ion mode can now be              of carbon-carbon double bonds.
                        performed in one analysis, improving the analysis throughput. In addition, positive and negative ions can be
                                                                                                                                                                                             560  580  600   620  640   660  680  m/z
                        detected in the pretreated sample under the same conditions without any time lag, improving the reliability
                        of the analytical data.
                         100                                        25.0
                                                        [M + H] +
                         90                             782.5688    22.5
                                                                         255.2325   C16:0
                         80                                         20.0
                         70                                         17.5   303.2326   C20:4
                         60                           n-9           15.0
                                                   648.4224  728.4868
                        %  50                       n-12  n-6     %  12.5
                         40                      608.3912           10.0
                           184.0732               n-15
                         30                                         7.5
                         20  Fragment ions derived from             5.0
                                 the polar group
                         10                                         2.5
                          0                                         0.0
                             200  300  400  500   600  700  800  m/z  200  300   400  500  600   700  800  m/z
                               Positive Ion Mode Measurement (OAD)        Negative Ion Mode Measurement (CID)

                                                                        PC (36:4) and other lipids were detected in
                               O        O
                          +  O  P  O   O                                mouse liver samples in both positive ion and
                               O   H  O                                 negative ion modes. Taking measurements in
                                       O                                both positive ion and negative ion modes
                                                                        enables more accurate structural estimates of

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