Page 4 - QAD-TOF syetem
P. 4

Innovative fragmentation technology

                     Introduction of neutral radicals in positive and negative modes

                     The OAD-TOF system is equipped with an OAD RADICAL SOURCE I, which enables Oxygen Attachment Dissociation
                     (OAD) analysis, an innovative fragmentation that utilizes Shimadzu’s proprietary radical reaction. It can measure
                     fragment ions that cannot be obtained by conventional collision-induced dissociation (CID), where ions are fragment -
                     ed by collision with an inert gas such as argon or nitrogen. The irradiating oxygen radicals specifically oxidize/dissoci -
                     ate double bonds between carbons, which is useful for structure estimation of organic compounds such as lipids. The
                     technique can be applied to monovalent ions and negative ions, which have been difficult to fragment using radical
                     reactions by electrons and anions, and provides completely new structural information.

                     Radical source

                     Neutral radicals such as O/OH/H radicals are generated by microwave
                     discharge of raw material gases (water vapor and hydrogen gas) in a
                     vacuum. The neutral radicals are introduced into the OAD cell       UFaccumulation ™
                     through a quartz tube.                                                 UFgrating ™  MCP

                     OAD cell
                     Precursor ions are reacted with neutral   DL (Desolvation Line)
                     radicals generated in a radical source and   UF-Qarray ™
                                                                                                                                           What is OAD  (oxygen attachment dissociation)?
                     fragmented. A collision gas (argon) can be
                     introduced, and conventional CID                                                                                      CID preferentially dissociates weak chemical bonds. In the case of lipids, CID can determine the basic structure of lipids and
                                                                      UF-Lens ™
                     fragmentation is also possible by setting                                                                             polar groups, and the carbon composition of side chains (number of carbons and double bonds). With OAD, oxygen
                     the collision energy (CE).                                                                                            radicals react specifically with the double bonds between carbons, causing dissociation. By measuring fragment ions
                                                                                                                                           specific to the double bond, the position of the double bond can be determined.
                     UF-FlightTube ™
                                                                            Quadrupole                                                                                      O                  PC 16:0_20:4(n-6, 9, 12, 15)
                     Precise temperature control is achieved                                                                                                                            O
                     due to an optimized heater and heater          Sub-Interface                                                                                    N +  O  P  − O   O
                     sensor layout and a robust control system.   Heated ESI Probe                                                                                           O   H  O
                     This minimizes the effects of any room                                                                                                                           O
                                                                                                                                           OAD ON
                     temperature variations to enable stable                                                                                                                                                             [M + H] +
                     mass accuracy over long periods. It also                                                                                                                                                           782.5682
                     reduces the time and trouble required for                                                                                75
                                                                                                                                                                          608.3922   648.4234   688.4549   728.4861
                     mass calibration.                                                                                                                                     n-15       n-12        n-9       n-6
                                                                                                                                             % 50
                     iRef TOF ™                                                                                                               25                566.3823
                     The unique electrode shape achieves an                                                                                    500    525   550    575    600   625    650    675   700    725    750    775  m/z
                     ideal electric potential distribution that
                                                                                                                                           OAD OFF
                     increases energy-focusing, while also                                                                                                                                                               [M + H] +
                     inhibiting trajectory divergence and flight                                                                               100                                                                       782.5702
                     time lengthening during ion reflection.                                                                                   75
                                                                                                                                             % 50
                      For LCMS-9050, click the button below.                                                                                  25

                                 Product                                                                                                       500    525   550    575    600   625    650    675   700    725    750    775  m/z

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