Page 17 - Application Notebook - Hand Sanitizer Analysis
P. 17

Application  No. A626

            „  Pass/Fail Judgment Using LabSolutions UV-Vis

            The provisions for “Other impurities (absorbance)” of anhydrous
            ethanol specify that the absorbances at 240 nm, between 250
            and 260 nm, and between 270 and 340 nm are not more than
            0.40,  0.30, and  0.10, respectively. However, reading the
            absorbances of  all the measured samples is time-consuming
            work and judgments must be made carefully, as human error is
            also possible. The time required for this work can be reduced by
            the spectral evaluation function of LabSolutions UV-Vis.
            The spectral evaluation function features 8 pass/fail criteria
            and 33 standard evaluation methods, including point pick,
            maximum value, minimum value, peak, valley, area, statistics,
            and cutoff, as well as a pass/fail judgment function. Here, a
            pass/fail judgment for anhydrous ethanol was made using
            the pass/fail judgment function.
                                                                          Fig. 4  Detailed Settings Screen for
                                                                       [Maximum Value – Single Point] Evaluation
            „  Setting of Pass/Fail Judgment Using
               LabSolutions UV-Vis                             „  Results of Pass/Fail Judgment
            Although there are three judgment conditions by absorbance,   Fig. 5 shows the results of the  pass/fail judgments for the
            in analysis of anhydrous ethanol, judgments are made by using   anhydrous ethanol shown in Fig. 2 and a simulated rejected
            [Point Pick – Single Point] and [Maximum Value – Single Point].   sample. The absorbance values of the anhydrous ethanol are
            [Point Pick – Single Point] reads the absorbance of a fixed   within the pass range for all three wavelength conditions. On
            wavelength, and [Maximum Value – Single Point] can read the   the  other  hand, in case  of failure,  the  result can be
            maximum value in a predetermined wavelength range.   understood at a glance, as the evaluation line is colored red.
            First, absorbance of NMT 0.40 (“not  more than 0.40”) at   Fig. 6 shows an enlarged view of the evaluation table.
            240 nm is set. Fig. 3 shows the Detailed Settings screen for   In pass/fail judgments, the data are added to the evaluation
            evaluation of [Point pick – Single point]. The setting is made   table automatically after spectrum acquisition. Therefore, the
            from this screen. The wavelength is set at 240 nm, and the   judgment can be completed simply by measuring the sample.
            pass/fail judgment criterion is set at NMT 0.40.
                                                                                         - : Anhydrous ethanol
                                                                                         - : Simulated rejected sample

                                                                         Fig. 5  Results of Pass/Fail Judgment
                       Fig. 3  Detailed Settings Screen for
                      [Point Pick – Single Point] Evaluation
                                                               „  Conclusion
            Next, the remaining conditions are set. Fig. 4 shows the   In this experiment, measurements of anhydrous ethanol were
            Detailed Settings screen for evaluation of [Maximum Value –   conducted in accordance with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia,
            Single Point]. The wavelength range is designated, and the   European Pharmacopoeia, and  United States Pharmacopeia
            maximum value of absorbance in that range is read.     using a UV-1900i, and a pass/fail judgment was made using the
            Here, two conditions are set. The judgment criteria of NMT   spectral evaluation function of the LabSolutions UV-Vis
            0.30 is set for 250-260 nm, and NMT 0.10 is set for 270-340 nm.   software. Analysis time, including judgment work, can be
                                                               substantially reduced by using the spectral evaluation function.

                                               Fig. 6  Enlargement of Evaluation Table

            LabSolutions is a trademark of Shimadzu Corporation in Japan and/or other countries.
                                                                                                       First Edition: Jul. 2020
                                             For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2020
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