Page 14 - Application Notebook - Hand Sanitizer Analysis
P. 14

Application                  Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR)

                                         Determination of Ethanol Content in and
                                         Simple Fail/Pass Judgment of Alcohol Hand
            No. A637                     Sanitizer by FTIR

             Introduction                                                Table 1 Measurement Conditions
            The effects of alcohol-based hand sanitizers are dependent  Instrument  : IRSpirit, QATR-S (Diamond)
            on type of alcohol used and alcohol concentration. The  Resolution   : 4 cm -1
            Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has  Accumulation    : 20
            recommended sanitizers with 60 - 95% alcohol as the most  Apodization function  : Sqr-Triangle
            effective composition of hand sanitizers.
                                                                Detector         : DLATGS
            Ethanol, which has bactericidal activity, is prepared at the
            optimal concentration level for a range of commercially
            available alcohol-based sanitizers. To measure alcohol
            concentration,  the  distillation  method  or  gas
            chromatography (GC) is stipulated by the United States
            Pharmacopeia (USP). These methods require more than 20
            minutes per sample for analysis. Pretreatment, such as
            dilution, is also required. In contrast, if the Fourier
            transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR) is used, the
            preparatory steps can be skipped and the ethanol content
            in alcohol sanitizers can quickly be determined in
            approximately one minute.
            This report introduces a simple pass/fail judgment of
            ethanol concentration in a commercially available ethanol     Fig. 1   IRSpirit™ FTIR with QATR™-S
            sanitizer using the photometric measurement function that
            comes as standard in LabSolutions™ IR.
                                                   S. Iwasaki

             Experimental
            Dehydrated ethanol was spiked with water to prepare the                           Volatile
            standards at concentrations of 70 vol% and 82 vol%. The                           Cover
            samples were measured using IRSpirit™, a Fourier transform
            infrared spectrophotometer, equipped with QATR™-S
            (diamond crystal), a single-reflection ATR accessory, as
            shown in Fig. 1. The measurement conditions are shown in
            Table 1. First, 20 to 30 µL of the sample amount was placed
            onto the ATR crystal using a micropipette and, as shown in
            Fig. 2, covered immediately with a volatile cover to          Fig. 2   QATR-S with Volatile Cover
            minimize evaporation, which could cause its concentration
            to change. Fig. 3 shows the IR spectra of ethanol standards.  0.5
            The figure shows that the heights of peaks from ethanol at  ―  70 vol%  0.5
            1086 cm and 1044 cm (green lines) and those from water  Abs  ―  82 vol%  Abs
            at 3340 cm and 1650 cm (blue lines) are dependent on  0.4              0.4
            the concentration.                                                     0.3
                                                                 0.3               0.2
                                                                                      1100  1050  1000

                                                                  4000     3000    2000    1500     1000
                                                                    Fig. 3   IR Spectra of Ethanol Standards (70, 82 vol%)
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