Page 16 - Application Notebook - Hand Sanitizer Analysis
P. 16

Application                  Spectrophotometric Analysis


                                         Measurement of Impurities in Ethanol
            No. A626                     Using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

            At present, demand for ethanol for disinfection is increasing
            sharply as preventive measure for an infectious disease.
            When ethanol is to be used as a medical product,
            identification testing and purity testing conforming to the
            applicable Pharmacopoeias in  each country are necessary.
            Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry is used  in
            these tests as one technique for determining whether
            impurities are present in ethanol.
            In the experiment introduced here, measurement of “Other
            impurities (absorbance)” in ethanols, which is described in
            the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, European Pharmacopoeia, and
            United States Pharmacopeia, was conducted using a
            Shimadzu UV-1900i UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and
            absorbance, which is specified as an acceptance standard in   Fig. 1  UV-1900i UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
            the Pharmacopoeias, was judged automatically by using the
            evaluation function of LabSolutions™ UV-Vis.
                                                                          Table 1  Measurement Conditions
                                                     H. Abo
                                                                Instrument           : UV-1900i  UV-Vis
            „  Test Method for Ethanols                         Measurement wavelength range  :  235 - 340 nm
            The Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) describes the five items   Scan speed    :  Medium
                                                                Sampling pitch       :  0.5 nm
            “Clarity and color of solution,” “Acidity or alkalinity,” “Volatile
                                                                Slit width           :  1 nm (fixed)
            impurities,” “Other impurities (absorbance),” and “Residue on

            evaporation” under “Purity” testing of  ethanol, anhydrous
            ethanol and ethanol for disinfection. Among these, “Other
            impurities (absorbance)” is measured in order to determine
            the  presence/absence  of  impurities contained in ethanol
            based on absorption in the ultraviolet (UV) region.
            The European Pharmacopoeia (EP) includes “Absorbance” as
            one item in “TESTS” and describes similar testing using UV-Vis
            spectrophotometry.                                   Absorbance (Abs.)
            The  United  States  Pharmacopeia  (USP)  specifies
            describes testing by UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
            The measurement method for “Other impurities” is the same
            in the three Pharmacopoeias. The absorption spectrum of the
            sample is measured using a cell with an optical path length
            of 5 cm and water as a blank, and judgment of acceptability             Wavelength (nm)
            is based on absorbance.                                 Fig. 2  Result of Measurement of Anhydrous Ethanol
            Specifically, the Pharmacopoeias provide that the absorbances
            at 240 nm, between 250 and 260 nm, and between 270 and   In Fig. 2, it can be confirmed that absorbance is not more than
            340 nm are not more than 0.40, 0.30, and 0.10, respectively,   0.40 at 240 nm, not more than 0.30 between 250 and 260 nm,
            when the absorption  spectrum is measured in the 235 to   and not more than 0.10 between 270 and 340 nm, and there
            340 nm wavelength region. The provision also specify that the   are no clear peaks or remarkable shoulders in the absorption
            absorption spectrum should be smooth and “show a steadily   spectrum curve.
            descending curve with no observable peaks or shoulders.”

            „  Measurement of Anhydrous Ethanol
            Anhydrous ethanol was measured with the UV-1900i UV-Vis
            spectrophotometer shown in Fig. 1, using a Shimadzu square
            long-path absorption cell holder and a 50 mm square cell.
            Table 1 shows the measurement conditions.
            Fig. 2 shows the results of spectrum measurement.
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