Page 11 - Guide to Lithium-ion Battery Solutions
P. 11

Material Testing

 Purpose  Samples    Purpose                                         Samples

 Puncture strength measurement of a separator  Separator  Evaluating the strain characteristics of   Separator after puncture test
 (Under environment of 25 °C, 60 °C, 90 °C)  separators after puncture damage



 Data                Data

 Maximum Test Force /
 Displacement for Each Temperature

 Test Temperature  Maximum Test Force   Maximum
 (°C)  (N)  Displacement (mm)
 25  3.85  4.45
 60  4.07  6.63

 90  2.13  6.68

 Test Force-Displacement Curve
                                                 Strain distribution under tensile load


 Comparing the results at 25 °C and 60 °C, we can see that the maximum test force is the same, but the maximum   Result
 displacement value is higher at 60 °C. Next, comparing the characteristic values at 60 °C and 90 °C, we can see that the
 maximum test force decreases at 90 °C, but the maximum displacement is the same. From the above, it can be seen that
 the lithium-ion battery separator used in this test has an increase in elongation characteristics but no decrease in strength   We evaluated the strain characteristics of a separator after puncture to investigate how a damaged separator may act
 at 60 °C.     under stress.
               DIC analysis is a method of comparing random patterns on the surface of an object before and after the object is
               deformed to determine the amount of pattern movement and measure strain. Using the DIC analysis method, we can
               visually see that the area around the damaged area in the center turns red where stress is concentrated and strain is the

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