Page 70 - Application Handbook - Liquid Chromatography
P. 70


            Application                  High Performance Liquid Chromatography

            News                         Analysis of Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in Kakkonto

                                         Using Nexera-i and RF-20AXS

            Aflatoxins are a type of mycotoxins that cause severe
            and acute toxicity. They are also carcinogenic, and            O                      O   O
            testing for aflatoxins is required for crude drugs                  O
            produced from natural plants or preparations that             O                      O      O
            contain crude drugs. "Analytical methods for aflatoxins   O                   O
            in crude drug and its product" was published in           O      O               O      O
            Japanese Pharmacopoeial Forum as a proposed revision             CH3                    CH3
            for the 17th Edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (as   Aflatoxin B1        Aflatoxin G1
            of July 2015). This test method proposal proposes a               TFA                    TFA
            reference level of ≤10 µg/kg for total aflatoxins (sum of
            aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2).                                    O    O                  O  O
            This Application News introduces an example analysis            O
            of the complex crude drug Kakkonto based on the       HO                      HO       O      O
            proposed revision to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 17th     O                      O
            Edition. The proposed revision explains a method of         O      O               O      O
            analyzing aflatoxins using a fluorescent detector after            CH3                    CH3
            derivatization with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). This   Aflatoxin B2a         Aflatoxin G2a
            Application  News  describes an example analysis
            performed using this method, and another example
            analysis performed without derivatization but with               O    O                O  O
            direct fluorescence detection.                                  O                    O      O

                                                                     O                    O
            Aflatoxins in food are subject to regulation all over the   O                    O
            world, and in Japan, a regulation*  and notification test          O                    O
            method*  for aflatoxins have been published. See                   CH3                  CH3
            previous Application News L351, L422, L428, L430 and   Aflatoxin B2          Aflatoxin G2
            L435 for example analyses of aflatoxins in food
            performed using these test methods.
                                                                 Fig. 1  Structures of Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 and Aflatoxin
                                                                     Structures After TFA Derivatization (B2a and G2a)
            n Analysis with Trifluoroacetic Acid Derivatization
            When in a polar solvent, aflatoxins B1 and G1 are known
            to have a lower fluorescence intensity compared to
            aflatoxins B2 and G2. Possible methods of increasing the
            fluorescence intensity are derivatization with a
            photochemical reactor, TFA derivatization, and
            electrochemical derivatization. This Application News
            uses the TFA derivatization method that appears in the
            proposed test method. The TFA derivatization reaction
            is commonly known as the pre-column method, and
            involves derivatization of the analytical sample before
            HPLC analysis. The structures of each aflatoxin before
            and after TFA derivatization are shown in Fig. 1.
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