Page 6 - Food&Beverages PFAS_analysis
P. 6

Lab Equipment Cleaning & Decontamination

          PFAS can be present in the water and/or cleaning agents used
          in decontamination processes. When cleaning sampling equipment,

          lab personnel should avoid using decontamination soaps containing

          fluorosurfactants such as Decon 90. Water from an on-site well is also
          a potential source of contamination.

          Alconox  and/or Liquinox  are recommended for decontamination
          processes as well as potable water from a municipal drinking water
          supply. Sampling equipment should be scrubbed using a polyethylene
          or PVC brush and flushed with water before the next use. Water

          should be always verified as “PFAS-free” before it is used for field and

          decontamination blanks and decontamination processes.

          Food & Beverages

          Standard safety protocols do not allow the presence of food and

          drinks in laboratories and areas where sampling is occurring. During
          the PFAS analysis, this safety protocol is even more relevant as food

          packaging, wrappers and containers may contain PFAS and can
          cause cross-contamination. Drinks and food should be kept nearby

          (e.g., staging area for sampling) to ensure personnel’s safety.

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