Page 3 - Food&Beverage Dioxin in Food
P. 3
Procedures for the Analysis of Dioxins in Foods Using GC-MS/MS
Extraction of Samples
SpeedExtractor E-914/E-916 (BÜCHI Labortechnik AG)
The SpeedExtractor is your best solution for
fast Pressurized Solvent Extraction (PSE).
Increase productivity by processing up to 6 Puri cation of Samples
samples in parallel. Streamline the work ow
of your sample preparation with easy sample GO-xHT (MIURA CO.,LTD.)
loading and ready-to-use extract collection.
GO-xHT is an easy-to-operate automated system
offering high throughput as well as the additional
advantage of using less solvents and consumables. It
provides labs with high-quality extraction as well as
high return on investment thanks to an innovative
ow path system.
Analysis of Samples
(GC-MS/MS Method Package for Dioxins in Foods)
The method package consists of method les
registered with the optimal conditions for the
analysis of dioxins, as well as a report creation
tool that can output the items required by EU
regulations. This makes it possible to start an
analysis without having to investigate analytical