Page 6 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 6

Cell Line Optimization

                     Quantitation of Nucleic Acids                                                                                      BioSpec-nano

                                   Quantitation of Double-Stranded                                                                                         benefits

                                          DNA Using BioSpec-nano                                                                                                                                                                             Cell Line Optimization
                                                                                                 click here                                     •  Measure the concentration or check the purity of double-stranded DNA extracts.
                                                                                                                                                •  Measure sample quantities as small as 1 μL.
                     Operating Principle and Features              Given the steps involved in one set, including measuring double-             •  Automatic wiping function enables a low-carryover system.
                                                                   stranded DNA → wiping → adding TE buffer → wiping, repeating that
                     The BioSpec-nano has two available optical path lengths, 0.2 mm and     set 60 times resulted in carryover (%) that remained 0.3 % or less,
                     0.7 mm, which enable quantitation of nucleic acids in very low sample   which confirmed that sample carryover in the sample area when using
                     volumes of 1 or 2 μL. Samples can also be measured using an optional                                                                                                                                                    Culture
                     cell with a 5 mm optical path length (for 2 mL volumes of dilute   automatic wiping is extremely low.               With the automatic wiping function, never
                     samples).                                                    Table 1   Analytical Conditions                        forget to wipe off samples.
                     An automatic wiping function enables wiping the samples between   Sample concentration  50 to 3700 ng/µL
                     measurements, eliminating the need to manually clean the sample stage   Pathlength 0.2 mm  Sample volume  1 µL
                     and reducing cross contamination between samples.             Sample concentration  15 to 1000 ng/µL
                                                                       Pathlength 0.7 mm
                                                                                   Sample volume  2 µL
                     Measurement Method                                5 mm Pathlength Cell   Sample concentration  2 to 150 ng/µL
                                                                       (option)    Sample volume  2 mL
                     The sample consisted of purified dsDNA dissolved in Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer
                     solution. The individual samples were prepared in the concentration ranges
                     listed in Table 1 for each pathlength. Next, 10 successive measurements                                                                                                                                                 Purification
                     were conducted using each of the pathlengths and concentrations using
                     the BioSpec-nano, and the OD (Optical Density, absorbance corresponding
                     to the 10 mm pathlength) at 260 nm was determined. The Y-axis values
                     (Measured OD260) in Fig. 1, 2, and 3 correspond to BioSpec-nano
                     measurement values. The standard value (Corrected OD260, X-axis in each
                     figure) for determining the accuracy was obtained using the Shimadzu
                     Ultraviolet-Visible spectrophotometer, an appropriately diluted sample
                     and a 1 mm pathlength cell. The linearities of Fig. 1, 2 and 3 indicate   Fig. 1   Analysis Results with 0.2 mm Pathlength
                     the linearity of the standard values, and the deviation from each of the
                     straight lines correspond to OD error.
                     Results                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Characterization

                     Analysis Results with 0.2 mm Pathlength                                                                            Specifications
                     The correlation coefficient of 0.999 for OD260 was obtained with
                     respect to the standard value (Fig. 1). When the OD value was greater                                               Instrument            BioSpec-nano
                     than 5 (250 ng/μL dsDNA), the measurement repeatability as CV (%)
                     was less than 1.4 %, and the OD error (%) was from -5.4 % to 2.8 %.                                                 Wavelength range      220 to 800 nm
                     The data are shown in Fig. 1.                             Fig. 2   Analysis Results with 0.7 mm Pathlength          Spectrum bandwidth    3 nm
                     Analysis Results with 0.7 mm Pathlength                                                                             Wavelength accuracy   ±1 nm                                                                         Quality Control
                     The correlation coefficient of 0.999 for OD260 was obtained with                                                    Pathlength            0.2 mm, 0.7 mm
                     respect to the standard value (Fig. 2). When the OD value was greater                                               Photometric value unit  OD (Optical Density), absorbance converted with 10 mm pathlength
                     than 1.4 (70 ng/μL dsDNA), the measurement repeatability as CV (%)
                     was less than 1.4 %, and the OD error (%) was from -8.6 % to 4.4 %.                                                 Sample volume         1 µL min. (pathlength: 0.2 mm)
                     The data are shown in Fig. 2.                                                                                                             2 µL min. (pathlength: 0.7 mm)
                                                                                                                                         Light source          Xenon flash lamp
                     Analysis Results with 5 mm Pathlength Cell
                     The correlation coefficient of 0.999 for OD260 was obtained with                                                    Monochromator         Holographic grating
                     respect to the standard value (Fig. 3). When the OD value was greater   Fig. 3   Analysis Results with Optional 5 mm Pathlength Cell  Detector  Photo diode array
                     than 0.2 (70 ng/μL dsDNA), the measurement repeatability as CV (%)
                     was less than 0.6 %, and the OD error (%) was from -1.6 % to 3.6 %.   Summary                                       Auto wiping function  Provided                                                                      Pharmacokinetics
                     The data are shown in Fig. 3.                                                                                       Spectrum measuring time  3 sec
                                                                   BioSpec-nano is capable of simple and excellent measurement linearity,
                     Performance of Automatic Wiping in Nucleic Acid Quantitation  reproducibility, and accuracy with a sample volume of 1 to 2 μL for   Quantitation range  Pathlength 0.2 mm, 1 to 75 OD, 50 to 3,700 ng/µL
                     We alternated measurement of purified dsDNA (11.7 OD, 578 ng/  optical pathlengths of 0.2 mm and 0.7 mm, respectively.                    Pathlength 0.7 mm, 0.3 to 21 OD, 15 to 1,000 ng/µL
                                                                                                                                                               Optional 5 mm pathlength cell, 0.04 to 3 OD
                     μL) and TE buffer solution using a 0.7 mm pathlength, 3 μL sample
                     volume, and 1 wipe operation between measurements. Carryover   Application Examples                                 Dimensions            W 210 mm × D 214 mm × H 417 mm
                     (%) of dsDNA to the TE buffer solution was used as an index of the
                     automatic wiping performance.                 • Measuring single-strand DNA concentration                           Weight                7 kg                                                                          Others
                                                                   • Measuring RNA concentrations                                        Analysis mode         Simple nucleic acid quantitation, labeled nucleic acid quantitation, protein quantitation, labeled
                     Carryover (%)                                 • Measuring protein concentration (refer to p. 34)                                          protein quantitation, photometric measurement
                          [(Nucleic acid concentration in TE measurement)]                                                              Note: The droplet formation status will affect analysis results. Measure quantities that are large enough to enable proper droplet formation.
                     = 100×                            … (1)
                          [(Nucleic acid concentration in dsDNA measurement)]

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