Page 5 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 5

Cell Line Optimization

 Quantitation of Nucleic Acids  UV-1900i

 Quantitation of Double-Stranded  DNA   benefits

 - Trace Measurement Using TrayCell and Nano Stick -                                                               Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •  Spectra can be acquired at ultra-fast scan speeds up to 29,000 nm/min.
                       •   Sample volume of as low as 0.7 µL can be measured using a TrayCell or Nano Stick
 Operating Principle and Features  Table 1   Measurement Conditions
 Wavelength (Calibration curve):  260 nm, 320 nm  cell.
 The UV-1900i UV-VIS spectrophotometer features a space-saving and   Wavelength range:  220 nm to 330 nm  •   Nucleic acid concentration can be easily determined using the built-in Biomethod
 ergonomic hardware design. The user interface (UI) is displayed on a   Scan speed:  Low
 color touch panel to ensure the system status and operating procedures   Sampling pitch:  1.0 nm  mode.           Culture
 can be determined easily with a single glance. The Biomethod mode
 includes six types of built-in measurement conditions: 1. Nucleic acid
 quantitation, 2. Lowry method, 3. BCA method, 4. CBB (Bradford
 method), 5. Biuret method, and 6. UV method. These methods can
 be used to measure samples easily for given analytical objectives. The
 operation panel screenshot function can be used to easily extract
 measurement results without connecting to a computer. A 10 mm
 square cell requires a sample volume of approx. 4 mL, but the use of
 a TrayCell or Nano Stick cell enables measurement of micro sample   Fig. 1   TrayCell
 quantities of approx. 2 to 4 μL.                                                                                  Purification
 Measurement Method

 Double-Stranded DNA Measurement Method Using a TrayCell
 Double-stranded DNA was prepared to create 27.5, 55, 110, 220, and
 440 ng/μL standard samples (diluted with ultrapure water). Actual   1. Place the sample at the center of
 samples were prepared by ethanol precipitation of the same DNA. With   the silver area.  2. Install the cap.
 the TrayCell, the optical path length can be changed to either 1.0 mm
 or 0.2 mm by switching between two types of caps. In this example,
 a cap with a 1.0 mm optical path length was used to measure 4 μL of
 dripped sample based on the conditions listed in Table 1 (Fig. 1).                                                Characterization
 Double-Stranded DNA Measurement Method Using a Nano
 3. Place the cuvette in the
 Stick Accessory  spectrophotometer.  4. Wipe off the sample.
 Standard samples and actual samples of double-stranded DNA
 were prepared using the same method as described for the
 TrayCell above. The  same  measurement conditions were also
               Instrument             UV-1900i
 used, as listed in Table 1. 3 μL sample volumes were measured
               Sample volume          10 mm standard cell = 2.5 to 4.0 mL
 with the 0.5 mm optical path length of the Nano Stick (Fig. 2).  TrayCell = 0.7 to 10 μL, Nano Stick = 2 μL min.  Quality Control
 Fig. 2   Using a Nano Stick Cell
               Wavelength range       190 to 1,100 nm
 Results  0.5  Nano Stick-S  1.0  TrayCell
 Abs. = 0.0010×Conc.  Abs. = 0.0021×Conc.  Spectral bandwidth  1 nm
 Calibration curves and UV spectral results from measurements using   0.4  R 2  = 0.9999  R 2  = 0.9999  Light source  20 W halogen lamp and deuterium lamp
 the TrayCell and Nano Stick are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Both   Built-in light source auto position adjustment
 resulted in calibration curves with high linearity and good measurement   Absorbance  Absorbance  0.5
 accuracy, confirmed by correlation and CV values calculated from 10   0.2  Monochromator  LO-RAY-LIGH grade blazed holographic grating in Czerny-Turner mounting
 repeated measurements of a 440 ng/μL sample.  Detector  Silicon photodiode
               Sample compartment     Internal dimensions: W 110 × D 250 × H 115 mm
 Conclusion  0.0  0  100  200  300  400 440  0.0  0  100  200  300  400 440                                        Pharmacokinetics
    Concentration (ng/ L)  Fig. 3   Calibration Curve  Concentration (ng/ L)  Distance between light beams  100 mm
 TrayCell and Nano Stick accessories were used with a UV-1900i UV-  Dimensions  W 450 × D 501 × H 244 mm
 VIS spectrophotometer to confirm that micro sample quantities on the   0.50  Nano Stick-S  1.00  TrayCell
 order of several microliters can be measured accurately and easily.  0.40  ―  440 ng / µL  ―  440 ng / µL  Weight  16.6 kg
 ―  220 ng / µL  ―  220 ng / µL
 ―  110 ng / µL  ―  110 ng / µL
 ―  55 ng / µL  0.50  ―  55 ng / µL  Output device  USB memory (optional)
 ― 27.5 ng / µL
 ― 27.5 ng / µL
 Application Examples   Absorbance  0.20  Absorbance  Extended memory (optional)
                                      Data files saved in text format or UVPC format*
                                      *Files in UVPC format can be read with the UVProbe file viewer, which is a function of LabSolutions UV-Vis, or with UVProbe software.  Others
 • Evaluating DNA purity based on absorbance ratio
 0.00  0.00
 • Measuring DNA concentration  -0.05  -0.10  Display  24-bit color touch screen
 220  250  300  330  220  250  300  330
 • Measuring protein concentration  Wavelength (nm)  Wavelength (nm)  Touch pen (standard included)
 Fig. 4   Absorption Spectra of Lambda-DNA  Touch panel protective sheet (optional)
 4                                                                                                                 5
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