Page 5 - Solution SystemGC for Hydrocarbon
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GC-2030     Intelligent Flow Controller with Exceptional Reproducibility

             A new advanced flow controller (AFC) has been developed to include a   Results from Analyzing a Grob Test Mix  Split filter
 5IF /FYU *OEVTUSZ 4UBOEBSE  CPU.                                    Standard Ten Consecutive Times
             It supports carrier gas constant linear velocity control, constant flowrate
                                                                           Peak Area Value
                                                                                      Retention Time
             control, constant pressure control, and various other control modes and  RSD%  RSD%
             achieves exceptionally high reproducibility for ultra-high-speed and  Decane  0.29  0.005
                                                                1-Octanol     0.32      0.004
             ultra-high-precision control modes. Multi-step programs can be created
                                                                Undecane      0.28      0.004
             for each control mode as well.                     2,6-dimetylaniline  0.29  0.003
             The split line filter can be replaced with hands. Internal contamination can  n-Metyl Nonanoate  0.24  0.003
 Nexis GC-2030, Shimadzu's premier gas   be confirmed visually to ensure filters are replaced at the proper timing.  n-Metyl Decanoate  0.25  0.002
 chromatograph, offers a modern approach to                     n-Metyl Laurate  0.27   0.004            Valve
                                                                                                    Flow Controller
 a classic chromatographic technique. Designed   GC Systems Customized for Speci c Needs             (AFC-2030)
 with the user in mind, new innovative
 features, exceptional performance and high   Gasoline analysis system  Natural gas analysis system
 throughput capabilities will elevate your lab to   This system is able to measure  This system is able to analyze
 the next level.              specific substances in gasoline,          components in natural gas, such as
                              such as oxygenates.                       shale gas.

 Features       Inorganic gas                                                             Hydrocarbon
                analysis system                                                           analysis system
 High-Sensitivity Detectors Support a Wide Variety of Analyses  This system is able to    This system is able to
                measure hydrogen and                                                      measure hydrocarbons that
                various other inorganic                                                   are generated, such as from
 Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector (BID-2030)  Electron Capture Detector (ECD-2010 Exceed)  gases.  catalyst reactions.
 ECD cell
 ˡ N 2 gas
 Quartz tube  He plasma  He
 (dielectric substance)
 Column  N 2 gas  ˠ

                              Refinery gas analysis system              Public utility natural gas analysis system
                              This system is able to analyze            This system is able to calculate
                              components in gas from petroleum          calorific values from measurements
                              refineries.                               of natural gas.

 Flame Ionization Detector (FID-2030)  Flame Photometric Detector (FPD-2030)
            Faster Analysis with Hydrogen Carrier Gas
 Collector  Lens                                                                   Hydrogen
             Hydrogen can be a safe and highly effective carrier gas. As a highly efficient carrier gas with   sensor
 Quartz      a flat Van Deemter curve, it maintains its separation efficiency across a wide linear velocity
             range. This makes it both a good substitute for Helium and also a great choice for speeding
             up analysis times. We know safety is paramount, which is why the Nexis GC-2030 offers an
             optional built-in hydrogen sensor*. It not only maintains a safe standby mode for early
             detection of any potential leaks, but also shuts off hydrogen flow. The main unit also
             includes an automatic carrier gas leak check function, which is very helpful when using
             hydrogen as a carrier gas.
            *  Optional                                                           Hydrogen Sensor Monitors Inside the GC Oven

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