Page 2 - Solution SystemGC for Hydrocarbon
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                                                              Shimadzu System GC

                                                              Solutions proven and commit                                                                                     Table of Contents

                                                              to meet the demands of

                                                              your business and industry.

                                                                 Shimadzu System GC Analyzers re ect stringent
                                                                 industry standards and quality control :                                                                       Natural Gas                                             6

                                                                 Pre-installation                                                                                               Re nery Gas                                            14
                                                                 ɾEach System GC analyzer is factory pre-con gured
                                                                 and pre-tested.                                                                                                Lique ed Petroleum Gases                               22
                                                                 ɾField installation and performance veri cation by our
                                                                 factory trained engineer or certi ed partner engineer
                                                                 Post-installation                                                                                              Trace Gases                                            24
                                                                 ɾContinuous support by Shimadzu expert consultation
                                                                 and partners to overcome your analytical challenges                                                            Trace Sulfur                                           33

                                                                                                                                                                                Reformulated Fuel                                      35

             For more than six decades, Shimadzu has been building   The following pages will show an overview of                                                               Detailed Hydrocarbons Analysis                         42
             gas chromatography products and remains committed   Shimadzu’s complete HPI GC analyzer solutions which
             to building the best GC products in the world. Throughout   include:
             our long history, the customer's needs have always   ɾMore than 100 factory tested GC analyzers                                                                    Simulated Distillation                                 44
             been central to all our design, manufacturing, and   developed to comply industry standards such as ASTM,
             testing processes.                                  GPA, ISO, UOP etc.                                                                                             Permanent Gases                                        46
             As part of this continuing commitment, we developed   ɾCustomized GC analyzers con gured and tested to
             the system GC solutions for hydrocarbon processing   your application’s pre-determined speci cations.                                                              Town Gas                                               50
             industry (HPI), which provides our customers with the   ɾCustomized instruments and tools designed,
             best reliable analytical solution products available   delivered and supported by Shimadzu and its partners.                                                                                                              53
             anywhere.                                           Nevertheless when you need pre-con gured or                                                                    Greenhouse Gases
             From characterization of raw crude and natural gas to   customized analyzers, Shimadzu helps you and your
             monitoring production and quality of re ned chemicals   team to reduce time spend on application                                                                   Transformer Oil Gas                                    57
             and alternative fuels, Shimadzu is committed to     development and improve your productivity.
             provide the most complete GC analyzers portfolio.
             Shimadzu’s HPI GC analyzers are built on reputation of
             reliable and quality hardware with technical expertise.
             Our solutions ranges from basic system modi cation
             with chemically deactivated material and customized
             columns in system to quantify trace contaminants in
             petrochemical streams to a complex multi-valves system
             for characterization of diverse components in a product.
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