Page 20 - Electric&Electronics - Total Solution for Analyzing Electronic Devices
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Evaluation of Mechanical Properties
Evaluation of Strength Evaluation of Endurance
● Various Strength Evaluations of Electronic Components, Circuit Boards, etc. ● Evaluation of Endurance of Electronic Components, Circuit Boards, etc.
(Peeling Test, Shearing Test, etc.) (Cyclic Bending Test, etc.)
Precision Universal Testing Machine Magnetic Micro Force Testing Machine
AGX-V Series Microservo MMT Series
These motor-actuated precision universal testing machines provide high performance, easy operability, Microservo MMT models feature a loading mechanism with a fast-responding
and safety. In addition to a wider range of speeds, higher rigidity, a load cell that increases the electromagnetic actuator. In combination with closed-loop control they can be used to
guaranteed measurement precision range to 1/2000, and other basic performance improvements, these quickly and precisely test samples with micro test forces and micro displacements. They are
models also feature a newly designed controller that supports even more complex testing methods. especially useful for evaluating the reliability of electronic components and materials.
Furthermore, the crosshead position is remembered even when the power is switched OFF to make
setting the grip space easier and built-in functionality prevents instrument collisions. The software Example of Surface Mounted Circuit Board Sample and Testing Jig
includes additional functionality without sacri cing ease of operation. Cyclic Bending Test
Test force
Bending displacement
・Evaluate the solder joint strength of electronic components soldered to printed circuit boards.
・Measure the tensile strength of resist and insulator lms on printed circuit boards.
・Evaluate the force required to connect/disconnect connector pins.
Test Force (kN) Bending Displacement (mm)
・Perform solder joint peeling tests.
Tabletop Precision Universal Testing Machine
AGS-X Series Time (sec) Sample Test Parameters
Test Force and Displacement Waveform Surface mounted Control quantity: Displacement
circuit board
Test waveform: Sine
Test speed: 3 Hz
Developed for low-capacity strength evaluations, these cost-effective models include all the functionality
necessary for material testing in a compact unit. The dedicated data processing software (TRAPEZIUM
LITE X) enables even further ef ciency improvements.
45-Degree Circuit Board Electronic Component 45-Degree Circuit Board Peeling Test Jig
Peeling Test Jig Shearing Test Jig
The circuit board is mounted at a 45-degree angle, the
pulling wire is attached to a lead wire, such as on a soldered ● Evaluation of Strength of Liquid Crystal Spacers and
IC chip, and tension is applied to peel off the device.
Crosshead Crosshead
Conductive Particles
10 N load cell 10 N load cell
Electronic Component Shearing Test Jig
10N U. J. Shearing punch Micro Compression Testing Machine
QFP pulling wire Shear tests are performed by mounting the circuit board
Sample mounting jig Sample mounting jig vertically and applying a vertical shearing force to a soldered
(Refer to sheet 3/4.) IC chip or other device. MCT Series
Sample Sample
(circuit board) (circuit board)
Vise mounting Vise mounting
plate plate These models can measure the compression strength of single particles
Table Table
(1 µm diameter or larger).
They can be used to evaluate the strength of individual particles, such as LCD *This photo shows a system with a
high-temperature evaluation
panel spacers or plasma display ribs, or the strength in extremely small areas. system (optional).
Compact Tabletop Testing Machine
EZ-X Series Example of Strength Test (Approx. 30 µm-Diameter Glass Beads)
This stylish compact testing machine is packed with extensive functionality for convenient and ef cient
testing operations.
Sample Image Using Side
Sample Image Using Length Test Force vs. Displacement Curve Observation Kit (Optional) Displacement vs. Time Curve
Measurement Kit (Optional)
Circuit Board Peeling Test Circuit Board Shearing Test Silicon Chip Bending Test Circuit Board Cyclic Bending Test
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