Page 25 - Shimadzu Journal vol.5 Issue1
P. 25


              Collaboration Between Shimadzu, The Systems Biology Institute,
              and Osaka University Starting the Provision of
              an Open Platform Multi-omics Data Analysis Pack

            On June 6, Shimadzu Corporation starts to provide, at no cost, the   community version, creating a seamless user experience for complex
            Shimadzu Multi-omics Data Analysis Pack. Intended for metabolic   data analysis and visualization workflows. This pack can be downloaded
            engineering, this gadget pack automatically visualizes large-volume of   free of charge from a dedicated site on Garuda Alliance website (link
                                                               available in later section). In the words of Dr. Hiroaki Kitano, President
            data sets from proteomics*1, metabolomics*2, and flux analysis*3,
                                                               of SBI, "Connecting mass spectrometers directly with a variety of data
            obtained using Shimadzu gas chromatograph mass spectrometers and
                                                               analysis software programs developed by the world's top research
            liquid chromatograph mass spectrometers, on metabolic maps and   agencies in the life science field is groundbreaking. This offers the
            perform a variety of data analyses. Multi-omics is a cutting-edge   possibility of stimulating a new research cycle."
            research area in the field of life sciences. It involves the integrated
            analysis of changes in genes, proteins, metabolites and other   This pack is one of the outcomes of collaborative research being
                                                               pursued by Shimadzu with SBI and Osaka University, utilizing the Osaka
            substances, towards a holistic elucidation of biological activities at
                                                               University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research Laboratory, an
            cellular level. Multi-omics is expected to be useful in a variety of fields
                                                               open innovation laboratory established by Shimadzu at Osaka University
            such as drug discovery, diagnostics, and biofuel research.  in December 2014. Fumio Matsuda, an associate professor with the
                                                               Osaka University Graduate School of Information Science and
            Mass spectrometers, a specialty of Shimadzu, are indispensable for   Technology, developed an optimal workflow for research by combining
            multi-omics research. In recent years, with the emergence of ultra-fast   multiple gadgets with this pack. In his words, "This pack simplified the
                                                               visualization of metabolic measurement data, a conventionally tedious
            mass spectrometers, the amount of data that can be obtained has
                                                               and time-consuming process. This improves the datability*4 of
            grown enormously. As a result, the data analysis process has become
                                                               extracting useful information and knowledge from big data sets
            a research bottleneck. Creating charts from quantitative trend data on
                                                               obtained from mass spectrometers. Increasing the productivity of
            each metabolites and proteins and rendering the results visible on a   research sites enables researchers to focus on interpreting the analysis
            metabolic map, takes over ten hours even for experienced analysts.   results, leading to new valuables discoveries and creations."
            Using this pack, the work can be reduced to a few minutes. The pack
            frees researchers from tedious manual data analysis and visualization,   In the words of Shuzo Maruyama, General Manager of the Analytical &
                                                               Measuring Instruments Division at Shimadzu, "Development of life
            allowing them to focus on the discovery of new ideas and generation
                                                               science research is progressing at rapid pace. We are no longer in an
            of novel hypotheses.
                                                               era when a single company can assess cutting edge needs and provide
                                                               the solutions. We will work continuously with global research agencies
            Overview of This Pack                              in order to keep providing solutions to respond to potential user
            Research for creating substances with advanced functions utilizing
            microorganisms and cells, rather than chemical synthesis, has expanded
            in recent years in a variety of fields, including biofuels, pharmaceuticals,   Future Plan
            and food products for example. Advancement in gene editing
            techniques is further creating new avenues of research. In this direction   The latest results were announced at the annual conference of the
            of research, the effect of incorporating genes into microorganisms and   American Society for Mass Spectrometry (Indianapolis, USA, June 4 to
            cells is measured as changes in the concentrations of metabolites and   8, 2017). This pack can be downloaded free of charge from
            metabolic enzymes. This pack significantly increases the efficiency of starting on June
            data analysis for these measurements.              6. Utilizing feedback from users, a more sophisticated commercial
                                                               edition is scheduled for release within the year.
            This pack is available on the, Garuda Platform, an open, communi-
            ty-driven, connectivity and automation platform to connect, discover   The Garuda platform has deep integration with Garuda's proprietary
            and navigate through various analytics tools, services and database   artificial intelligence (AI) function, and provides interface to connect
            (called gadgets on Garuda). The community version of the platform is   with other AI platforms. AI-based data analysis will also be possible in
            available on the Garuda Alliance, and has been in operation since 2010,   future extensions of this pack. Commercialization of a pack
            led by the Systems Biology Institute (SBI), a non-profit private research   incorporating AI-based data analysis is scheduled during 2018.
            institution based in Tokyo. It provides an open platform to enable
            researchers to create a user defined workflow (called Garuda recipes),   *1: Research to comprehensively assess the structure and functions of
            from data acquisition to data analysis, powered by an ever-increasing   proteins
            suite of inter-operable gadgets. Currently, the community version of the   *2: Research to comprehensively assess the metabolites produced by cellular
            platform is in beta with more than 50 tools (gadgets) available freely,   activity
            developed by the world's leading research agencies, along with   *3: A method of accurately tracking the amount of a single metabolite
            customized gadgets available in commercial versions for specific   based on the difference between two values: the amount produced and
            businesses and organizations.                         the amount consumed
                                                               *4: This word was coined by combining "data" and "ability". It refers to the
            The Shimadzu multi-omics data analysis pack presents a collection of   activity of extracting useful information and knowledge from ultra large
            multiple gadgets that can be interfaced with existing gadgets on the   amounts of data and utilizing it. It is a core concept in the data sciences.

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