Page 26 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 26


                Shimadzu Establishes Subsidiary in Malaysia

            – Shimadzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd Will Strengthen Business Operations in the India Subcontinent and ASEAN Regions –
            New Analytical and Measuring instruments manufacturing plant and in-house Application Laboratory are also scheduled to start operations soon

            Shimadzu Corporation has established Shimadzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd, an   Overview of the Sales Subsidiary
            indirectly-owned subsidiary, to further strengthen its capabilities in the India
                                                               1) Name:  Shimadzu Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (abbreviation: SML)
            subcontinent and ASEAN region, which have shown remarkable economic
                                                                 Wholly owned by Shimadzu (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd. (abbreviation: SAP)
            growth in recent years and are projected to continue growing in the future.
                                                               2) Capital:  9.50 million ringgit (about JP¥ 304 million, at 1 ringgit = 32 ¥)
            This new company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shimadzu (Asia Pacific)
            Pte Ltd, abbreviated below as SAP (head office: Singapore, Managing   3) Head office location:  Nouvelle Industrial Park 2, Petaling Jaya,
            Director: Kiminobu Imura). Shimadzu Corporation also plans to establish a   Selangor, Malaysia
            new manufacturing facility for Analytical and Measuring instruments and   4) Facility size:  About 945 m , of which 160 m  is an application
            an in-house Application Laboratory, in order to strengthen manufacturing,   laboratory
            sales and application support capabilities. Construction on the new plant is   5) Managing Director:  Koji Nishinaka
            scheduled to start in October 2015 and finish in July 2016, with operations
                                                               6) Number of employees:  44 in first year (1 representative, 19
            starting in December 2016.
                                                                 analytical instrument personnel, 16 medical  system personnel, and
            The ASEAN and India-subcontinent regions are key growth markets with   8 administrators, including 1 Japanese expatriate)
            sales of JP¥ 22 billion (US$ 187.18 million) estimated for FY 2016 in
                                                               7) Business description:  Sales and service of analytical and measuring
            Shimadzu's medium-term management plan (FY 2014-to-FY 2016).
                                                                 instruments and medical systems in Malaysia
            Therefore, in order to leverage this massive growth potential, Shimadzu is
            building a solid business foundation by establishing a timely product supply   8) Annual sales:  About US$ 20.25 million planned for 2018
            system and is also developing extensive sales capabilities that can focus on   9) Start of operations:  January 2, 2015
            the needs of the local markets.
                                                               Malaysia Manufacturing Facility for Analytical and
            Shimadzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd                          Measuring Instruments to Start Production in 2016
            – Where 140 Years of Global Knowledge Meets Vast   Shimadzu Corporation will establish a new analytical and measuring
               Expertise of Local Distributors
                                                               instrument manufacturing facility in Malaysia for SAP sales to South East
            Previously, analytical and measuring instrument sales in Malaysia were   Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and Oceania regions. This will improve
            conducted through Shimadzu's local distributors. However, this newly   SAP’s ability to accommodate the particular needs of those markets,
            established local subsidiary of Shimadzu will now provide direct sales and   comply with regulations, and supply products in a more effective manner.
            service capabilities. While starting direct sales of analytical instruments,   Production of SAP's state-of-the-art products, which are expected to
            such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLCs), to markets   witness a substantial growth, such as the Prominence, Prominence-i, and
            such as food products, pharmaceuticals, and petrochemical, Shimadzu will   Nexera High-Performance Liquid Chromatographs (HPLCs) and the
            continue to rely on the expertise of local distributors for sales of X-ray   UV-1800 UV-VIS spectrophotometer, is scheduled to start in 2016.
            Fluorescence spectrometers, optical emission spectrometers, X-ray   Following these, production will be successively expanded to include other
            diffractometers, testing machines, and non-destructive inspection systems.   products and models. The facility will also supply some Liquid
            This will not only help in maximizing customer convenience but will also   Chromatograph products to subsidiaries in charge of sales in the Middle
            help to further build the brand image of Shimadzu.  East and Africa. This will provide product supply capabilities that are
                                                               competitive in terms of quality, price, and delivery lead time, which will
            Consequently, SAP’s Malaysian branch office, which was established in
                                                               help expand sales in the medium and long term.
            2000 for direct sales of medical equipment, will be absorbed and
            integrated into the new subsidiary as its medical systems department.
            Shimadzu has earned a strong reputation in Malaysia for the quality and
            extensive service of Shimadzu X-ray systems, which has resulted in the
            organization securing a 25% market share, with over 50% of the market
            for general-purpose X-ray systems sold to hospitals. Shimadzu now intends
            to strengthen efforts to sell more high-end Angiography systems and
            develop the clinic market.
            Owing to these new capabilities, Analytical and Measuring instrument
            sales are projected to be US$ 15.05 million and Medical system sales US$
            5.20 million in 2018. In total, Shimadzu Malaysia Sdn Bhd is expected to
            garner sales of about US$ 20.25 million in 2018, which is double the sales
            recorded in 2013.

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