Page 27 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 27


               Shimadzu Nexera UC Recognized at Pittcon 2015
               with Editors’ Gold Award

            From left to right: Terry Adams, VP Marketing, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments; Bob Clifford, Marketing Manager, Food, Shimadzu Scientific Instruments; Stefan
            Fritsch, editor Instrument News; Bob Stevenson, editor American Laboratory magazine. (Photo courtesy of Roy Engelbrecht, Engelbrecht Studios)

            Shimadzu Corporation announced that its fully automated   samples that are prone to oxidation or degradation if exposed to air
            supercritical fluidic chromatography-based Nexera Unified   and/or light. The fully automated Nexera UC system has a much
            Chromatography system (Nexera UC) received the Pittcon Editors’   higher target analyte recovery rate and reduces the possibility of
            Gold award at the 2015 Pittsburg Conference on Analytical Chemistry   human error during analysis when compared to conventional manual
            and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon) held in New Orleans, LA between   workflows and off-line systems. In addition, Nexera UC enables the
            March 8th and 12th.                                analysis of compounds over a diverse chemical space and significantly
                                                               reduces the quantity of organic solvents used.
            The Pittcon Editors’ Awards recognize the most innovative products
            presented at Pittcon for the first time based on votes by the media   “Shimadzu is extremely proud to receive the Pittcon editors’ gold
            corps. Editors awarded the Nexera UC for its ability to provide a   award, an achievement that serves to recognize all of the engineers
            workflow solution that addresses the bottleneck in real-world sample   and scientists who developed the Nexera UC,” said Dr. Teruhisa Ueda,
            analyses.                                          General Manager, Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division. “As
                                                               the world’s first fully automated system that combines on-line SFE and
            The Nexera UC is the world's first fully automated system that
                                                               SFC in a single flow path, the Nexera UC will eliminate the need for
            combines on-line SFE and SFC in a single flow path. This unique
                                                               complicated sample preparation and thereby improve productivity in
            system enables automatic extraction of up to 48 samples followed by
                                                               the lab. We are eager to collaborate with customers around the world
            seamless transfer to SFC/MS for high-sensitivity detection of targets by
                                                               on this exciting new product.”
            mass spectrometry.
            The Nexera UC system eliminates the need for complicated sample   For more information about the Nexera UC system, visit:
            preparation and enables highly reliable and stable analysis of delicate

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