Page 28 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 28


                Opening of the Osaka University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research Laboratory
                Joint Laboratory Will Focus on Developing Cutting-Edge Technology for
                Comprehensively Investigating Biological Activities of Cells

            Overview                                           be performed, this research laboratory will address issues in metabolomics
            Shimadzu Corporation and Osaka University have inaugurated the   by integrating technology from both parties.
            Osaka University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research
            Laboratory (mentor professor: Eiichiro Fukusaki) at the Graduate   Subsequent Specific Measures
            School of Engineering, Osaka University, and have initiated full-scale
            research activities. The purpose of this laboratory is to establish and   Using Shimadzu gas chromatograph-mass spectrometers, liquid
            advance analytical techniques with respect to metabolomics. In   chromatograph-mass spectrometers, supercritical fluid
            particular, this laboratory will be engaged in research and   chromatograph-mass spectrometers, and imaging mass microscopes, the
            development of data analysis platforms based on mass spectrometers.   joint research activities of this research laboratory involve both
            (From December 1, 2014 to March 31, 2017)          quantitative metabolomics--measuring the total quantity of metabolites
                                                               contained in samples, and imaging metabolomics--visualizing distribution
                                                               information. The laboratory will investigate the optimal conditions for
            Purpose of Establishing the Research Laboratory
                                                               metabolomic techniques in a variety of fields and develop applications,
            Metabolomics is a cutting-edge field of study for the comprehensive   with an aim of contributing to the further dissemination and
            investigation of biological activities of cells, based on exhaustive detection   advancement of metabolomics.
            and analysis of metabolic products in organisms, and the precise
                                                               “Metabolomics, which involves a mixture of life sciences, organic
            assessment of their behavior. In recent years, metabolomics has become a
                                                               chemistry, analytical chemistry, and information science, has only just
            focus of attention due to its application to a variety of fields. For instance,
                                                               started in terms of developing technologies and operating methods,”
            in the field of medicine, application examples include the analysis of
                                                               said Professor Eiichiro Fukusaki, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka
            physiological and pathological mechanisms, and the search for disease
                                                               University. “Therefore, we are developing new technologies for
            biomarkers. In plant and food fields, examples include clarification of the
                                                               metabolomic data analysis systems and researching new operating
            stress response of plants and the functional analysis of foods. In the field
                                                               methods. Through this Analytical Innovation Research Laboratory, an
            of manufacturing, the improvement and optimization of fermentation
                                                               industry-academic cooperative initiative promoted by Osaka University,
            productivity, as well as biofuel productivity improvements can be
                                                               we are aiming to contribute to society, not only in Japan, but also in
            expected. At the same time, metabolomics involves a mixture of sciences
                                                               countries in Southeast Asia and other areas.”
            and is a new research field that is still in its infancy in terms of developing
            technologies and operating methods. It requires further technological   “Metabolomics has attracted considerable interest as a promising means
            development.                                       of understanding fundamental biology and elucidating the function of
                                                               genes with unknown functions. Furthermore, it may also be useful for
            Through many years of product development, Shimadzu has accumulated
                                                               medical treatments, foods, and the molecular breeding of industrial
            vast knowledge and expertise on mass spectrometry technology that
                                                               microorganisms,” said Teruhisa Ueda, General Manager, Analytical &
            demonstrates its merits in the simultaneous analysis of complicated and
                                                               Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation. “It will be
            diverse components, and is applying this technology to advance responses
                                                               important to develop the optimal methods and applications to suit these
            to metabolomics-related needs. Professor Fukusaki at Osaka University is a
                                                               objectives. Through this joint research laboratory with Osaka University,
            leading researcher in the development and application of metabolomics,
                                                               we will strive for new problem-solving techniques and aim for
            and has cutting-edge expertise with respect to pretreatment methods,
                                                               revolutionary breakthroughs, while redoubling efforts to create returns
            analysis methods, and data analysis methods. By making use of the merits
                                                               to society, including human resources.”
            of the joint research course program system, where advanced cooperative
            research aimed at resolving issues shared by business and academia can   For more details, visit:
                                               What is the measurement objective?
                     Total amount of metabolites                     Metabolite distribution
                              Quantitative metabolomics                      Imaging metabolomics
                         Gas chromatograph  Liquid chromatograph                Imaging mass
                         mass spectrometer  mass spectrometer                   microscope
                    Quantitative determination of the metabolites in a sample can   By measuring and superimposing an optical / fluorescence
                    be conducted by chromatographically separating the respective   microscope image on an MS (MS/MS) imaging screen, it is possible
                    sample components, and then measuring those separated   to obtain both form and metabolite localization information.
                    components using a mass spectrometer.
                                               Mass Spectrometers Used in Metabolomics

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