Page 21 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue2
P. 21

Shimadzu Selection

               These articles were selected by Shimadzu. Relating to food analysis, they are from
               application notes and technical reports. They feature a variety of instruments we
               produce and include cutting-edge technologies. Please obtain the articles of your
               interest through the links on the titles.

                       Selection 1  Food Analysis
                          FTIR-ATR Characterization of Commercial Honey Samples and Their Adulteration with Sugar Syrups
                          Using Chemometric Analysis
                          Honey is a valuable food commodity that gains a lot of attention due to its potential health benefits and usage to sweeten foods
                          and beverages. To save on manufacturing costs, honey is susceptible to deliberate adulteration with sugar syrups such as corn
                          syrup. FTIR with attenuated total reflectance (ATR) was used to collect absorption spectra of various commercial honey samples.

                       Selection 2  Food Analysis
                          In Wine There is Truth - The Characterisation and Quantitative Analysis of Wine Using
                          Spectroscopic Methods
                          Due to globalisation, food is no longer a local product, but may be transported over thousands of kilometres from its source
                          to where it is consumed. Unfortunately, the additives for preservation as well as the packaging material are potential sources
                          of contamination. From the very beginning, Shimadzu has been involved in the development of analytical methods related to
                          European regulations and food guidelines. One recent example is the European wine regulation. This paper shows the
                          Shimadzu spectroscopic methods for residue analysis and quality control of wine.
                          * Reprinted with the kind permission of International Labmate Ltd - first printed in International Labmate Buyers Guide 2014/15

                       Selection 3  Food Analysis
                          Analysis of Sugars and Sugar Alcohols in Energy Drink by Prominence-i with Differential
                          Refractive Index Detector
                          Sugars and sugar alcohols display almost no ultraviolet absorption, and are therefore typically detected using a differential
                          refractive index detector or evaporative light scattering detector. This note presents an example of simultaneous analysis of sugars
                          and sugar alcohols in an energy drink using the Prominence-i and RID-20A.

                       Selection 4  Food Analysis
                          Simultaneous Analysis of Water- and Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Beverages Using an ODS-Modified
                          Metal-Doped Column
                          In this study, a Shim-pack MAqC-ODS I was used to analyze water- and fat-soluble vitamins in a single method. This column
                          contains ODS-modified and metal-doped stationary phase, so it was able to retain the weakly-retained components without
                          ion-pairing reagents.

                       Selection 5  Food Analysis
                          Quantitative Analysis of Anabolic Steroids in Control Samples from Food-producing Animals
                          using a Column-switching LC-HESI-MS/MS Assay
                          The use of natural and synthetic hormones to increase the weight of meat-producing animals is prohibited in the European
                          Union. This paper shows the development of an online-SPE method to considerably shorten the pre-treatment time. In
                          addition to optimisation of the extraction method, chromatographic separation was optimised to decrease ion-suppression
                          and isobaric interference.

                       Selection 6  Food Analysis
                          Quantitative Analysis of Veterinary Drugs Using the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 Triple Quadrupole
                          Mass Spectrometer
                          Foods in which chemical residues, like pesticides, feed additives, and veterinary drugs, found in excess of maximum residue levels
                          have been banned from sale in many countries around the world. This Application News introduces an example of the
                          high-sensitivity analysis of 89 veterinary drugs in a crude extract of livestock and fishery products.

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