Page 5 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue1
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Insight from a customer                                                                                                                                                                                     Insight from a customer

                Prof. Richard B. van Breemen,                                                                                         Finally, can you please share any requests that you have with respect
                                                                                                                                      to analytical instrument vendors?
                University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
                                                                                                                                      Prof. van Breemen:
                                                                                                                                      Like most academic biomedical mass spectrometry laboratories, we
            We interviewed Professor Richard B. van Breemen who is studying medicinal properties of natural products at the University   are always pushing the limits of technology in terms of speed and
            of Illinois, College of Pharmacy, in Chicago, using advanced mass spectrometry. Recently he found that lycopene (the red   sensitivity in the analysis of clinical and research specimens.
            carotenoid in tomatoes) could reduce risk of prostate cancer. Shimadzu has been supporting Prof. van Breemen’s laboratory   Fortunately, the performance specifications of mass spectrometers
            for six years, by providing Shimadzu’s state-of-the-art mass spectrometry such as IT-TOF, LCMS-8040 and LCMS-8050.        continue to increase and thereby enable us to be more productive
                                                                                                                                      than ever. For example, we are looking forward to seeing how much
                                                                                                                                      more research we can accomplish each day using Shimadzu’s new
                                                                                                                                      LCMS-8050 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer.
            Shimadzu:                                          Shimadzu:
            First, could you outline your research and achievements?  Then, your article in this journal addresses the quantitative analysis of
                                                               bisphenol A (BPA) in water using the LCMS-8050. Why are biomedical     Thank you very much.
            Prof. van Breemen:                                 researchers concerned about human exposure to BPA?
            My research group investigates natural cancer chemoprevention   Prof. van Breemen:
            agents and the safety and efficacy of botanical dietary supplements.
            We specialize in mass spectrometric studies of natural products that   BPA is a high volume industrial product used in a wide range of                                      (3)Gaba RC, Yap FY, Martinez EM, Li Y, Guzman G, Parvinian A, van
            span the range from discovery to clinical investigation. An early   consumer products from polycarbonate bottles to epoxy resins lining                                       Breemen RB, Kumar N. Transarterial sorafenib
            proponent of MS-based screening, we use our ultrafiltration-mass   the inside of canned foods. The release of BPA into the environment                                        chemoembolization: preliminary study of technical feasibility in a
            spectrometry approach to find pharmacologically active compounds in   might result in its accumulation in lakes and rivers where it might                                     rabbit model.  J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 24, 744-750 (2013).
            complex natural product extracts. Then, we use high resolution   affect aquatic wildlife due to its endocrine disruption activity. There is
            LC-MS/MS to investigate the metabolism of lead compounds. Finally in   particular concern that exposure of children to endocrine disrupting                                 (4)Conda-Sheridan M, Park EJ, Beck DE, Reddy PV, Nguyen TX, Hu B,
            support of clinical trials, we use quantitative UHPLC-MS-MS to   chemicals like BPA might be especially significant.                                                          Chen L, White JJ, van Breemen RB, Pezzuto JM, Cushman M.
            measure levels of the active natural products and their metabolites as                                                                                                        Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of
                                                                                                                                                                                          indenoisoquinoline rexinoids with chemopreventive potential. J.
            well as biomarkers of efficacy in clinical specimens.  Shimadzu:
                                                                                                                                                                                          Med. Chem. 56, 2581-2605 (2013).
                                                               How are our instruments helping you?
            Some of our most successful projects have included studies of                                                                                                               (5)Yu R, Zhao G, Christman JW, Xiao L, van Breemen RB. Method
            carotenoid bioavailability and chemoprevention that are exemplified   Prof. van Breemen:                                                                                      development and validation for ultra-high pressure liquid
            by our clinical trials of prostate cancer chemoprevention by the                                                                                                              chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry determination of
            tomato carotenoid lycopene. As I am director of the oldest academic   My research group has witnessed many innovations in mass   Here are selected 2013 publications citing Shimadzu   multiple prostanoids in biological samples. J. AOAC Intl. 96,
            center in the United States focused on the safety and efficacy of   spectrometry and chromatography over the last 25+ years that include   mass spectrometers (7 out of 15 for 2013):  67-76 (2013).
            botanical dietary supplements (UIC/NIH Center for Botanical Dietary   the introduction of novel of ionization techniques such as MALDI and   And here are the latest publications by Prof. van Breemen :  (6)Hajirahimkhan A, Simmler C, Yuan Y, Anderson JR, Chen SN,
            Supplements Research), we help to safeguard women’s health by   electrospray, the invention of new tandem mass spectrometers such as                                          Nikolić D, Dietz BM, Pauli GF, van Breemen RB, Bolton JL.
            investigating mechanisms of action and safety of botanicals used by   MALDI TOF/TOF and IT TOF instruments, and the introduction of   (1)Nikolic D, van Breemen RB. Analytical methods for quantitation   Evaluation of estrogenic activity of licorice species in comparison
            menopausal women as alternatives to conventional estrogen   UHPLC. All of these innovations contribute to our research by enabling   of prenylated flavonoids from hops. Curr. Anal. Chem. 9, 71-85   with hops used in botanicals for menopausal symptoms. PLoS
            replacement therapy. Qualitative and quantitative applications of mass   faster MS-based screening of botanical and marine extracts, faster   (2013).                         One 8(7):e67947 Jul 12 (2013). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067947
            spectrometry are essential at every stage of these botanical dietary   structural characterization of natural product lead compounds and
            supplement studies.                                faster and more sensitive quantitative analysis in support of preclinical   (2)Yuan Y, Yu L-F, Qiu X, Kozikowski AP, van Breemen RB.   (7)Andreani A, Leoni A, Locatelli A, Morigi R, Rambaldi M,
                                                               and clinical studies.                                                      Pharmacokinetics and brain penetration of LF-3-88,   Cervellati R, Greco E, Kondratyuk TP, Park E-J, Huang K, van
                                                                                                                                          (2-[5-[5-(2(S)-azetidinylmethoxyl)-3-pyridyl]-3-isoxazolyl]-ethan  Breemen RB, Pezzuto JM. Chemopreventive and antioxidant
                                                               Shimadzu:                                                                  ol, a selective Ћ4Ќ2-nAChR partial agonist and promising   activity of 6-substituted imidazo[2,1-b]thiazoles, Eur. J. Med.
            Why are you interested in those fields?                                                                                       antidepressant. J. Chromatogr. B 912, 38-42 (2013).  Chem. 68C, 412-421 (2013).
                                                               What are Shimadzu’s strengths compared to other companies?
            Prof. van Breemen:                                 (not limited to the instruments)
            Our interest in natural products as sources of new drugs is based on   Prof. van Breemen:
            the fact that at least half of all existing pharmaceuticals are natural
            products or are derived from them, which should be no surprise as   For many years, Shimadzu has been a leader in HPLC and UHPLC by
            Nature has already preselected these substances for bioactivity. Now   providing highly reliable as well as high performance chromatography
            that most major pharmaceutical companies have abandoned their   instrumentation. Shimadzu is also highly respected for providing high
            natural products drug discovery programs, our search for new natural   quality service support. In the field of MALDI TOF/TOF, Shimadzu offers
            pharmaceutical agents has become even more imperative. Since the   the highest performance and features not available from most vendors
            Women’s Health Initiative indicated that conventional estrogen   due to innovations such implementation of the late Prof. Robert
            replacement therapy might increase risks of certain forms of cancer,   Cotter’s curved-field reflectron and high-energy CID features, which
            cardiovascular disease and even dementia, many women have sought   facilitate structural studies using charge-remote fragmentation.
            relief from menopausal symptoms by using botanical dietary   Shimadzu’s high resolution IT-TOF mass spectrometer offers MS n
            supplements with the expectation that they may be safer as well as   capabilities not obtainable with QqTOF instruments, and Shimadzu
            effective. In response, our Botanical Center is working to ensure the   continues to lead the world in fast triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
            safety of these botanical products as well to determine their   technology with the LCMS-8030, LCMS-8040 and now the fastest
            mechanisms of action and potential efficacy.       scanning and most sensitive of all, the LCMS-8050.

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