Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.1
P. 15

Food safety                                                                                                                                            15

                                   pear extract. All 210 pesticides achieved excellent correlation coefficients
                                                                  A limit of detection less than 0.001 mg kg -1  (1ppb) was achieved for the
                                 sample: (1) acetonitrile, (2) dried fruit extract, (3) lettuce extract and, (4)
                                        than 0.997. Correlation coefficients are listed in Table 1 for all pesticides
                                                    described by the US-EPA (see experimental section). Limits of detection
                                                                             volume of only 2 µL. Therefore, detection limits could be reduced even
                                      greater than 0.99 in all four types of matrix with typical values greater
                                                                           Furthermore, these limits of detection were achieved with an injection
                                                                      qualifying transition for 90 % of compounds: thereby highlighting the
                                                                               further with larger injection volumes. An injection volume of 2 µL was
                                                                                 used in the study to allow the injection of 100 % acetonitrile extracts
                                          in pear extract, and the calibration curves of eight selected pesticides
                                                      were assessed for both the quantifying transition and the qualifying
                               extracts. Linearity was assessed from 0.5 – 200 ppb in four types of
                                                          presented LODs less than the 0.01 mg kg -1  reporting level for both
                                                  Pesticide limits of detection were calculated based on the method
                                                                    quantifying transition and less than 0.002 mg kg -1  (2 ppb) for the
                                                        transition and are listed in Table 1. All of the studied pesticides
                                                                        excellent sensitivity of the LCMS-8040 for pesticide analysis.
                                                                                   without detriment to early eluting peak shapes.  Repeatability was assessed at the 0.01 mg kg -1  reporting level as peak  area %RSD for six replicate injections in pear extracts. Repeatability less  than 5 %RSD was achieved for 92 % of the 210 pesticides studied. All  of the studied compounds presented repeatability less than 10 %RSD,  with exception of haloxyfop acid (13.4 %).

                                            shown in Fig. 3.    transition 1 and 2.                                                                              Fig. 2 Extracted ion chromatogram of 210 pesticides using the Shimadzu Nexera UHPLC  ɹ         and the Shimadzu LCMS-8040; 2 µL injection of a 0.05 mg kg-1 standard solution.

                               3.4 UHPLC gradient optimisation  Based on the results of the mobile phase screening investigation (section  3.2) the three superior compositions were tested: 1) 10 mM ammonium  formate, 2) 10 mM ammonium acetate and 3) 10 mM ammonium  formate with 0.1 % formic acid. Separation was achieved using a  Shim-Pack XR-ODS III, 2.0 x 150 mm, 2.2 µm particle size. Ammonium  formate was found to be the most effective compromise for all 210  compounds in terms of signal to noise ratios and peak shapes.   However two problems with ammonium formate were observed; early  elution of asulum and poor peak shape of propamocarb. Consequently,  0.01 % formic acid was tested and found to increase the retention of  asulum, and im

                                      auto-sampler (SIL-30AC) pre-treatment program to perform this function.
                               The performance optimising injection sequence (POISe) was evaluated by
                                                                      mobile phase already. Table 3 lists the peak width for 11 early eluting
                                                  with peak widths reduced by 5-69%. The optimum amount of water
                                                    to inject following the sample was found to be 30 µL. Increasing this
                                                      volume to 40 µL did not provide any significant improvements.  Early
                                                               the sample solvent elution strength, which has a large impact on the
                                                             higher retention factors. This improvement is due to the reduction in
                                                           solvent band to a much larger extent in comparison to analytes with
                                 injecting between 5 – 40 µL of water following a 3 µL injection of pear
                                                        eluting compounds are affected by the injection of a weak eluting
                                                                 early eluting compounds. Whereas, analytes with higher retention
                                                dispersion was minimised considerably for early eluting pesticides,
                                                                          show the improvement using the POISe on early eluting analytes.
                                                                        compounds. Compounds are arranged in retention time order to
                                                                   factors will experience some degree of band compression in the
                                             performance optimising injection sequence. Using POISe, band
                                           Fig.1 shows the injection of pear extract with and without the
                                   extract in 100% acetonitrile. This was achieved using the Nexera
                                                                                                                  Fig.1 Pear extract (0.050 mg kg -1 ) injected without (A) and with (B) the performance optimising injection sequence
                                                                                (B) 3 µL pear extract injection with the POISe (30 µL water)
                                                                                                                       Table 3 Peak widths obtained with and without the performance optimising injection sequence
                                                                                                                           Peak   width   change   (%)  -60.9  -49.5  -68.0  -69.1  -64.2  -46.3  -21.8  -17.8  -35.2  -10.5  -5.6
                                                                                                                            Peak width (min.)  With Without  POISe  POISe  0.466  1.193  0.473  0.937  0.247  0.773  0.205  0.664  0.195  0.545  0.247  0.460  0.248  0.317  0.254  0.309  0.271  0.418  0.248  0.277  0.220  0.233

                                                                                                                              Compound  No.  Methamidophos  1  Propamocarb  2  Omethoate  3  Butocarboxim   4  sulfoxide  Aldicarb sulfoxide  5  Dinotefuran  6  Oxamyl  7  DMPF  8  Demeton-S-methyl   9  sulfoxide  Demeton-S-methyl   10  sulphone  Ethiofencarb sulphone  11

           global w430×h280    3.3 Performance Optimising Injection Sequence (POISe)   In reversed phase UHPLC, early eluting compounds typically display  the greatest peak distortion. Peak distortion is a particular problem is  pesticide analysis as samples are typically extracted by QuEChERS, with  samples diluted in 100% acetonitrile (a strong eluting solvent). To  solve this issue, laboratories may decide to dilute the acetonitrile  extracts in water before LCMS injection. However, doing so adds an  additional sample preparation step and dilution in water can also  negatively affect the stability of some analytes. 14  To minimise peak dispersion with the injection of acetonitrile extracts,  one potential solution is the use of a band

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