Page 5 - Shimadzu LCMS-8050
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UFscanning ™ High-Sensitivity & High-Speed Scanning at 30,000 u/sec
Simultaneous Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
Simultaneous High-Speed Screening of 12 Toxicological Drugs
The LCMS-8050 is capable of simultaneously obtaining both qualitative and quantitative information in a single analysis. Acquisition occurs so
rapidly that MS/MS scans and MRM measurements can be performed concurrently while maintaining quantitative accuracy. MS/MS scans are
usable and reliable because even at 30,000 u/sec, Shimadzu uses a 0.1 u scan step.
Maintains a high-quality spectrum
268 268
30,000 u/sec even at the world’s fastest 3,000 u/sec
scanning speed of 30,000 u/sec.
239 239
100 211 100
119 183 314 The 30,000 u/sec scanning speed 119 183 211 314
provides for more sampling points.
50 100 150 200 250 m/z 50 100 150 200 250 m/z
% %
Flunitrazepam Flunitrazepam
1 ng/mL 1 ng/mL
13 points 9 points
%RSD (n=3) %RSD (n=3)
0 2.45% 0 8.75%
11.00 12.00 min 11.00 12.00 min
MRM Triggered Product Ion Scanning of a Mixture of 12 Benzodiazepines (1 ng/mL each)
UF-MRM ™ High-Sensitivity & High-Speed MRM at 555 MRM/sec
Detect Target Compounds at Trace-Level Concentrations
Simultaneous Analysis of 29 Pesticides for Water Quality Analysis
The LCMS-8050 is capable of simultaneously acquiring 555 MRM transitions per second without sacrificing accuracy and precision. A high
sampling rate delivers precise and accurate quantitation for quantitation ions, reference ions, and internal standard ions even in chromatographic
regions with unresolved peaks. The high sensitivity of the LCMS-8050 allows for trace-level analysis, such as pesticides in drinking water,
without the need for sample pre-concentration. This high sensitivity is maintained even when monitoring large panels of target compounds.
LOQ 1/100 of LOQ 1/100 of
No. Compound target No. Compound target
100 pg/mL pg/mL* pg/mL pg/mL*
1 Thiuram 2.0 200 16 MPP oxon sulfoxide 4.2 10
2 Bentazone 3.9 2000 17 MPP oxon sulfone 5.7 10
3 Carbofuran 1.6 50 18 Dymron 0.65 8000
4 2,4-D 46.7 300 19 Methomyl 2.3 300
5 Triclopyr 45.3 60 20 Probenazole 5.2 500
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 min 6 Iprodione 1.7 3000 21 Diuron (DCMU) 0.7 200
7 Asulam 2.3 2000 22 Bensulfuron-methyl 4.4 4000
MRM Chromatogram of 29 Pesticides 8 Bensulide 4.8 1000 23 Tricyclazole 2.7 800
for Water Quality Analysis (100 pg/mL each)
9 Mecoprop (MCPP) 6.1 50 24 Azoxystrobin 2.7 5000
10 Carbaryl (NAC) 2.3 500 25 Halosulfuron-methyl 0.52 3000
11 Carpropamid 1.3 400 26 Flazasulfuron 0.47 300
LCMS-8050 has achieved LOQs that fulfill 12 Fenthion (MPP) 3.1 10 27 Thiodicarb 3.4 800
the 1/100 target value without sample pre-concentration.
13 MPP sulfoxide 1.7 10 28 Siduron 0.82 3000
14 MPP sulfone 5.1 10 29 Fipronil 4.7 5
15 MPP oxon 4.9 10
*Note: Official analytical methods require detection to 1/100th of regulatory targets.