Page 11 - Shimadzu LCMS-8050
P. 11




                         Maintain Sensitivity and Mass Accuracy                 Inten. (×1,000,000)
                         Even at 30,000 u/sec                                 1.0  115.9               5,000 u/sec
                     Greater ion transmission at any scan speed has been achieved by precisely controlling   642.2
                     the voltage applied to the quadrupoles across the mass scale. As Shimadzu quadrupole
                                                                                      202.9  370.2  555.2
                     technology using a data collection interval of 0.1 u high quality mass spectra are   70.1
                     acquired without loss of sensitivity or mass accuracy.   0.0
                                                                                         250      500        m/z
                                                                                Inten. (×1,000,000)
                                                                                                       10,000 u/sec
                                                                              1.0  115.9
                     1 u steps
                                                                              0.5                      642.2
                               -2  -1 True value  +1  +2  m/z  Top of peak is not defined   202.9  370.2  555.3
                                                      resulting in a large variation   70.0
                                                      in the m/z determination.  0.0
                                                                                         250      500        m/z
                     0.5 u steps                                                Inten. (×1,000,000)
                               -2  -1 True value  +1  +2  m/z                                          30,000 u/sec
                                                      Proper data collection
                                                      rate allows accurate    0.5                      642.1
                     0.1 u steps                      determination of m/z value.     202.7  370.2  555.2
                               -2  -1 True value  +1  +2  m/z                            250      500        m/z
                         Variation in m/z Caused by Different Sampling Intervals for Spectral Data  Bradykinin (MW 756.4) Product Ion Scan Spectrum
                                                                                         Precursor Ion m/z 379.4

                         Efficient Qualitative Analysis Using Synchronized Survey Scan ™

                     The Synchronized Survey Scan (SSS) function allows MRM acquisition to be combined with other scan modes including library searchable spectra using
                     a MRM triggered product ion scan.

                                One thousand events can be registered
                                within a single method supporting the
                                analysis of large panels of target
                                compounds with high data quality and
                                greater information.

                                                                 An Example Method for Performing an MRM-Triggered Product Ion Scan

                                                                                 Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  /&06       11
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