Page 19 - Shimadzu UV-3600 Plus
P. 19

Accessories   Integrating sphere units.

               Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-603)      Integrating Sphere Attachment (ISR-1503)
               (P/N 207-20100-58)                           (P/N 207-20900-58)
 Basic Measurement
 Film Holder  Rotating Film Holder  Multi-Cell Sample Compartment
 (P/N 204-58909)  (P/N 206-28500-41)  (Six Cells) (P/N 206-69160-41)

               This attachment enables relative diffuse or specular reflectance measurements. The   This integrating sphere with a 150 mm internal diameter and maximum 4.0 %
               angle of incidence to the sample can be set by setting it to zero or eight degrees in   aperture ratio is compliant with a variety of regulations. The measurement
 This holder is used to hold films, filters, and other   This film holder enables in-plane rotation of samples   This holds up to six cells on the sample side. It is   combination with functionality for switching between sample and reference sides   wavelength range is 220 to 2500 nm. A small sample holder for transmittance,
 items. It is compatible with sample sizes between a   centered on the optical axis. It is compatible with   controlled automatically.  of the spectrophotometer. The measurement wavelength range is 220 to 2600   a standard cell holder for direct detection, a powdered sample holder, a film
 minimum W16 × H32 mm and maximum W80 ×   sample sizes up to 33 × 30 mm.  nm. It is compatible with reflectance samples up to 100 mm in diameter and 15   holder, and other dedicated accessories are available.
 H40 mm.       mm thick.
              Multipurpose Large-Sample      Absolute Reflectance Attachments  Variable Angle Measurement Unit
              Compartment MPC-603A                                          for MPC-603A (P/N 207-23490-42)
 Short Optical Path, Long Optical Path, Micro-Volume Measurement    (P/N 207-23550-41)

 Long-Path Rectangular Cell Holder  Spacers for Short-Path Cells  Super-Micro Cell Holder
 (P/N 204-23118-01)  (P/N 204-21473-0X)  (P/N 206-14334)
 Optical path length of the cell

               This multipurpose sample compartment can be used to   These attachments are installed in a multipurpose   This device enables absolute reflectance
               freely measure the transmittance or reflectance of   large-sample compartment to enable absolute   measurements of solid samples, with the incident
               variously shaped samples. The measurement wavelength   specular reflectance measurements of solid samples.   and reflection angles set to any angle. Measurement
               range is 220 to 2600 nm.      The compatible sample size range is 20 to 150 mm   wavelength range is 250 to 1650 nm. It is
 This holds rectangular cells with an optical path   This standard cell   P/N  Available cells  This cell holder is for supermicro cells. Volumes   It is compatible with transmittance sample sizes up to 305   square and up to 30 mm thick. A sample base plate   compatible with sample sizes from 20 to 70 mm
 length of 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, or 100 mm.  holder is required for   -01  2mm  between 50 and 200  L can be measured,   mm in diameter and 50 mm thick or up to 204 mm in   integrating sphere set is required.  square and between 2 and 15 mm thick. The
 short optical path cells.   -02  5mm  depending on the type of black cell used.  diameter and 300 mm thick, or reflectance sample sizes   incident angle can be set between 5 and 70 degrees.
 -03  1mm      up to 305 mm in diameter and 50 mm thick.  P/N  Incident angle   Wavelength range
                                              206-16817-58  5°  300 to 2400 nm
                                              206-16100-58  12°  300 to 2500 nm
 Constant-Temperature Measurement             206-15001-58  30°  300 to 2300 nm
                                                               300 to 2300 nm
 Constant-Temperature Cell Holder  Thermoelectrically Temperature-  Thermoelectric Single-Cell Holder  Large Polarizer Assy /   Powdered Sample Holder  Micro Sample Holder
 (P/N 202-30858-44)  Controlled Cell Holder (TCC-100)    (S-1700) (P/N 206-23900)  Polarizer Assys  (for Integrating Sphere)  (P/N 206-28055-41)
 (P/N 206-29510)                             (P/N 206-89065-41)

 This cell holder controls the cell temperature by   This device can control the temperature of cells on   This holder (including a stirrer) can be   These enable control of polarization characteristics of   This powdered sample holder is for installation in an   This holds small samples against the integrating
 circulating constant-temperature water. The   both the sample and reference side. The   programmed to increase/decrease the temperature   incident light on samples.   integrating sphere.  sphere.
 operating temperature range is 5 to 90 °C (requires   temperature-control range is 7 to 60 °C. The   on the sample side. The temperature-control   P/N  Type   Wavelength range  It is compatible with sample sizes from 5 to 10 mm
 a separate constant-temperature water circulator).   temperature can be adjusted only on the sample side   range is 0 to 110 °C. Cooling water must be   206-15694-40 Large type  250 to 2300 nm  square and between 0.5 and 2 mm thick.
 A four-cell model is also  and 6 sets are available (P/N 206-29500). The   circulated to cool the Peltier element.  206-13236-41  Type I  400 to 800 nm
 available (P/N: 204-27206-02).  temperature-control range of 6 sets is 16 to 60 ° C.
               206-13236-42  Type II  260 to 700 nm
               206-13163-40  Type III  260 to 2300 nm
 Reflectance Measurement

 Specular Reflectance Measurement Attachment (5° Incident Angle)  Various other accessories
 (P/N 206-14046-58)
               Liquid Samples                               Solid Samples

 This device enables specular reflectance measurements. The angle of incidence to the sample is 5 degrees.
 It is compatible with sample sizes from 7 mm in diameter up to 160 × 100 mm and up to 15 mm thick.

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