Page 12 - Shimadzu TOC-L
P. 12

Options for Configuring an Automatic

            Measurement System

            ASI-L Autosampler
            Even More Functionality and Convenience,
            Enabling Samples to Be Added During Continuous Measurement


            ˙ Select from three vial types with different capacities to suit your application.
              Combination of vial capacity and number of vials
              ɾ  9 mL vials × 93
              ɾ  24 mL vials × 93
              ɾ  40 mL vials × 68
              Two types of ASI-L units are available, one for 24 mL vials and the other for 9 mL and 40 mL vials.
            ˙ Optional magnetic stirrers agitate the sample in the vials to prevent the settling of
              suspended solids. Magnetic stirrers are installed at the measurement position and
              subsequent measurement position to thoroughly agitate the samples prior to
              (Vials for 24mL and 40 mL are available. If 24 mL vials are used, vials No. 1 to No. 85 of the 93 total
              vials can be stirred.)

            OCT-L 8-Port Sampler
            The Bridge to Ultra-Simplified Automatic Measurement


            ˙ Easy-to-use autosampler does not require special vials.
              Water sample can be measured directly in the collection bottles and thus do not need to be transferred to
              speci c size autosampler vials required with other systems.

            ˙ Up to 8 samples can be measured with a single OCT-L unit.
              Up to 16 samples can be measured by adding a second OCT-L.
            ˙ Commercially available stirrers can be used. (Stirrers are sold separately.)

            ˙ Samples can be added during continuous measurement.

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