Page 5 - Shimadzu Nexera UC
P. 5

Fully automated on-line sample preparation and

 analysis of target compounds

 Nexera UC on-line SFE-SFC is a revolutionary system that combines on-line SFE and SFC in a single flow path (patented technology).
 Target compounds are extracted from solid samples and then automatically transferred to SFC/ MS so that no human
 intervention is required. The Nexera UC on-line SFE-SFC system reduces the time for pretreatment of samples and
 acquires highly accurate data.

 Comparison of QuEChERS sample preparation and Nexera UC in the analysis of residual pesticides

 A typical sample preparation takes 35 minutes and requires several manual steps. With Nexera UC, the same sample can be ready
 for on-line SFE/SFC analysis in as little as five minutes with only a few simple sample preparation steps.

 QuEChERS  •••   Requires 35 minutes of sample preparation      35 min

 Homogenize  Add solvent  Stir  Add reagent  Stir  Centrifuge  Transfer  Add reagent  Stir  Centrifuge  Transfer
      Supernatant                                             Supernatant    Analysis with GCMS ™  Analysis with LCMS ™

                                                                 Hundreds of compounds are simultaneously analyzed with
                                                                 Nexera UC. These include pesticides that are usually analyzed
                 SFE                                             with LC and LC/MS/MS or GC and GC/MS/MS. Nexera UC enables
 Nexera  UC  •••   As little as 5 minutes to be ready for analysis  5 min  (about 4 minutes)  analysis of compounds over a wide polarity range.

                            0         5        10        15  min
                                Simultaneous Analysis of 500 Pesticides

                                  2    3                           Pesticide compound analysis with GC or GC/MS/MS
 Enclose in                           4
 Homogenize  Add absorbent*  Mix  Extraction and analysis with SFE-SFC-MS  5
 extraction vessel                             6                   1. Diazinon   5. Mepronil
                                                                   2. Metalaxyl  6. Dioxathion
                                                                   3. Tolclofos-methyl  7. Cypermethrin
                                                                   4. Lenacil
 * “Miyazaki Hydro-Protect”, Patented in Japan No. 3645552  8    9
                 SFE                 10   11
             (about 4 minutes)         12 13    14                 Pesticide compound analysis with LC or LC/MS/MS
                                                  15               8. Aramite    12. Cyazofamid
                                                                   9. Isouron    13. Diquat
                                                                   10. Acephate  14. Chromafenozide
                                                                   11. Aminocarb  15. Imidacloprid
                            0         5        10        15  min
                             Analysis of Compounds with Wide Polarity Range

                                                                                                  Nexera UC
 4                                                                                       Supercritical Fluid Extraction/Chromatograph System  5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10