Page 3 - Shimadzu Nexera UC
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Unified Chromatography...

 Just another chromatographic technique... or the only

 technique you’ll need?

 Conventional LC/MS and GC/MS face these challenges...

 Time-consuming sample preparation

 Degradation of labile compounds during sample preparation

 Low abundant peaks hidden in noise

 Unified Chromatography  SFC
                                                          provides uncompromising

 LC         solutions to these problems.


                    Fully automated on-line sample preparation and analysis
 Nexera ™  UC improves your analytical workflow by utilizing a completely new separation technology,
 Unified Chromatography, which unites sample separation, analysis with various separation modes,   Target compounds are automatically extracted and analyzed.
 and high-sensitivity detection.

                    Even labile compounds can be analyzed without degradation

                    Sample extraction is performed under light-shielding and anaerobic conditions, preventing the
                    degradation of labile analytes.

                    Unified speed of analysis, sensitivity, and resolution

                    Supercritical fluid enables highly efficient sample extraction and high resolution chromatographic
 Received a 2015 "R&D 100"   analysis. The result; improved sensitivity and throughput for multi-analyte analyses.
 award from the American
 technology information   Received a Gold Award at the
 magazine, "R&D Magazine."  Pittcon 2015 Editors' Awards.

 SFE (Supercritical Fluid Extraction) : An extraction method using supercritical fluid. It is available as a pretreatment method for solid sample analyses.  Supercritical fluid is a fluid over its critical point. It has unique properties like liquid and gas. Low viscosity, high diffusion coefficient,
 SFC (Supercritical Fluid Chromatography) : The chromatographic technique using supercritical fluids as mobile phases. With its unique properties, it enables   liquid-like dissolving power. CO2 is most popular for use.
 high-speed, high-resolution analyses.
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