Page 19 - Shimadzu Nexera UC - Nexera UC Prep
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Prevent degradation of labile compounds System configuration examples
With conventional solvent extraction, labile compounds may react with extraction solvents or could be oxidized and/or degraded.
Oxidized Coenzyme Q10 Easy to be On-line SFE-SFC-MS System
In this system, solid samples are extracted by
Solvent Extraction-SFC
supercritical CO2 and introduced to SFC on-line.
The time for pretreatment of samples is
Reduced Oxidized
Reduced Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 drastically shortened. In addition, samples are
extracted under light-shielding and anaerobic
conditions to protect labile analytes from
degradation. By adding a fraction collector to
On-line SFE-SFC
this system, small-volume fractionation of the
extract is also available.
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 min
Extraction and analysis of reduced coenzyme Q10 in supplements
(Detection: UV, 220 nm)
Analysis of biomarkers from dried blood spots (DBS)
SFE Pretreatment System
The preparation of dried blood spots (DBS) from extraction to analysis requires simply enclosing a blood spot in
an extraction vessel.
This system allows the pretreatment of samples
using supercritical CO2. An extraction operation
1. Phosphatidyl Choline
2. Lyso Phosphatidyl Choline that changes the types of modifiers (up to four
1 3. Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine Blood spots on DBS types) and concentrations to mix with
4. Lyso Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine
5. Phosphatidyl Glycerol supercritical CO2 can be performed on each
6. Phosphatidyl Inositol
sample. The extracted material is collected in a
2 test tube using a FRC-40 SF fraction collector. The
3 ˙ Detection LotusStream separator allows fractionation of
PC : 778.40>255.20 Negative
4 small volumes, even into vessels such as 1.5 mL
LPC : 496.30>184.10 Positive
5 PE : 716.40>255.20 Negative vials, without dispersion of the solvent. In
LPE : 454.30>313.20 Positive
6 PG : 747.40>255.20 Negative addition to analysis by SFC, the system is ideal for
PI : 835.50>255.20 Negative measurements using other analytical systems
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 min
An extraction vessel for DBS such as GC-MS and NMR.
Extraction and analysis of phospholipid-added plasma on DBS
(Column: Shim-pack UC-X Diol)
Only a few simple preparation steps for cleaning validation
On-line SFE–SFC Praparative System
Nexera UC can be applied to cleaning validation which is performed in the pharmaceutical industry to confirm that manufacturing equipment has been
properly cleaned. Nexera UC automatically runs a series of steps from extraction to analysis by only putting the sample swab in the extraction vessel. In
In this system, solid samples are extracted by supercritical CO2 and introduced to SFC on-line. The efficiency of fractionation
conventional cleaning validation, the sample swab needs to be extracted with water, and then the extraction is analyzed by TOC. However, when a target
can be improved, because this system can automatically run the extraction even at night.
compound is hydrophobic, swab extraction is performed with ethanol and TOC is not applicable. Nexera UC can perform both types of cleaning validation.
Sample for cleaning
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 min
Extraction and analysis of a detergent-added swab An extraction vessel enclosing sample swab
(Detection: UV, 220 nm)
The sample is provided by Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.
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