Page 4 - Kratos AXIS Nova
P. 4

         ESCApe SOFTWARE FOR ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING                                                                                                         LARGE AREA, HIGH SENSITIVITY
         ESCApe software integrates data acquisition and processing allowing the User to exploit the benefit of                                                 An important aspect of any XPS instrument is spectroscopic performance. The AXIS Nova
         this highly automated spectrometer. Following identification of the analysis position from the optical                                                 is designed for the very best performance at large analysis area with efficient collection of
         microscopes, predefined acquisition methods are selected to start sample analysis. These methods can be                                                photoelectrons contributing to high sensitivity. The spectrometer achieves unrivalled sensitivity
         as simple as a survey spectrum or more complex such as sputter depth profiling with compucentric rotation                                              by using both magnetic and electrostatic lenses in combination with the large 165 mm mean
         during etching. There is flexibility for expert Users to define their own acquisition methods.                                                         radius hemispherical analyser. Photoelectrons are counted using a multichannel plate stack
                                                                                                                                                                above a delay-line detector with 128 data channels. This detector provides the capability of
         Acquisition methods associated with samples on any of the three samples platens can be added to the
         analysis queue. Where analysis is defined from samples on different sample platens they are exchanged as                                               acquiring spectra in unscanned snapshot mode where spectra are collected without scanning
         part of the automated work flow, exploiting the high throughput capability of the spectrometer.                                                        the lens/analyser. This mode of acquisition has the significant advantage that a core level
         For large sample analysis an array of analysis positions can be easily defined within the ESCApe                                                       spectrum can be collected in less than a second.
         software. Processing is no longer a rate-limiting step with automated peak identification and
         quantification integrated into the ESCApe software.

                                          a                                            b

                                                                                                                                                                Counts per second                     Counts per second


                                                                                                                                                                           Binding Energy / eV                      Binding Energy / eV
                                                                                                                                                                C 1s unscanned, snapshot spectrum from PET   High resolution spectrum of the S 2p & Se 3d
                                                                                                                                                                polymer acquired from 55 µm in 30 s.    region of a sulfur contaminated CdSe sample
                                                                                                                                                                                                     acquired in large area, high sensitivity mode.

                                               ‘Array analysis’ from a 3-target combinatorial sputter coating of                                                The large, 500 mm Rowland circle, X-ray monochromator produces high energy resolution
                                           c   a 4-inch wafer.  (a) ESCApe allows easy definintion of the analysis                                              spectra which may be collected in a matter of seconds. A moveable, position-indexed, X-ray
                                               array across the wafer.  (b) data can be displayed as a colour                    4                              anode means that the useful lifetime of the anode is significantly extended. An optional dual
                                               concentration plot overlaid on the optical image of the wafer
                                               with simple mouse click to link to each individual spectrum.                                                     anode monochromatic X-ray source, combing Al Ka and higher energy Ag La, can be specified.
                                               Image (c) shows the Ni colour concentration plot complimentary                                                   The advantage of the Ag La (2984.2 eV) X-ray source is that the information depth can be
                                               to the Cr plot shown in (b).
                                                                                                                                                                extended to ca. 15–20 nm and additional, higher binding energy, core levels can be excited.
                                                                                                                                                                Outstanding performance is not limited to conducting samples. Use of a low energy, electron
                                                          The patented AXIS technologies of magnetic and                         5                              only charge neutralisation system allows photoelectron spectra to be collected from insulating,
                                                          electrostatic lenses ensure high electron collection                                                  topographic samples with ease.
                                                          efficiency in spectroscopy mode and low aberrations at                 6
                                                          high magnifications in parallel imaging mode.
                                                          The unique combined high transmission hemispherical
                                                          and spherical mirror analysers guarantee outstanding
                                                          spectroscopic and parallel imaging performance.
                                                                                                                              x-ray excitation.
                                                           1   Spherical mirror analyser
                                                           2   Hemispherical analyser
                                                           3   Delay-line detector
                                                           4   Electrostatic lens                  7
                                                           5   Selected area aperture drive
                                                           6   Octopole scan plates
                                                           7   Variable iris drive
                                                           8   Charge neutraliser                                                                               THE AXIS NOVA2: MADE TO MEASURE
                                                           9   Magnetic lens

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