Page 2 - Kratos AXIS Nova
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X-RAY PHOTOELECTRON                                                  4                                                                                        AUTOMATION TO ENSURE HIGH SAMPLE THROUGHPUT
         SPECTROSCOPY                                                                                                                                                  The sample entry chamber (SEC) accommodates up to three sample platens on
                                                                                                                                                                       a storage elevator. An orthogonal camera in the SEC provides an image of the
         X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as                                                                                                         entire platen allowing the analysis position for samples to be defined. For large,
         electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is
                                                         3                                                                                                             homogeneous samples the sample can be translated directly to the analysis position
         a widely used surface analysis technique for materials                                                                                                        and data acquisition started. For samples with smaller features or complex structure
         characterisation. With a standard Al Ka excitation                                                                                                            a high magnification optical microscope in the sample analysis chamber (SAC) can be
         source, the technique provides quantitative elemental                                                                                                         used to define the analysis region of interest.
         and chemical state information from the upper most                                                                   5
         10 nm of a material. XPS is used in diverse applications,
         ranging from defect analysis on microelectronic bond-
         pads to drug eluting thin films in the pharmaceutical

         STATE-OF-THE-ART PERFORMANCE                                                                                                                           6
         The AXIS Nova  combines XPS imaging and
         spectroscopic capabilities with a highly automated,
         large sample handling system and is the next                                                                                                           7
         generation of AXIS Nova spectrometer. The AXIS Nova    2
         provides enhanced performance over its predecessor
         and is based on Kratos’ proven AXIS technology
         comprising: magnetic and electrostatic transfer lenses;
         co-axial electron-only charge neutralisation; spherical                                                                                                8
         mirror and hemispherical electron energy analysers.
         Kratos developed innovations such as the delay-line
         detector for spectroscopy and imaging modes and   1
         high energy X-ray excitation sources ensure the AXIS
         Nova  is capable of performing in the most demanding
         research and development environments.                                                                                                                        SEC microscope image of the entire platen   Higher magnification SAC optical
                                                                                                                                                                       allowing definition of the analysis position   microscope image and (inset) ‘stitched’
                                                                                                                                                                       with (inset) digital zoom of the same image   5x5 SAC optical image.
         Designed for ease of use, the AXIS Nova  has                                                                                                                  to reveal greater detail.
         automated sample loading, orthogonal cameras for
         easy sample positioning and intuitive data acquisition                                                                                                        AUTOMATED PLATEN EXCHANGE
         software. A unique capability of the AXIS Nova  is the
         110mm diameter sample platen allowing unrivalled                                                                                                              Automated multi-platen exchange allows transfer between the sample storage elevator
         large sample handling and high sample throughput.                                                                                                             in the SEC and SAC analysis position without User intervention ensuring high sample
         None of these attributes compromise the performance.                                                                                                          throughput. Large view ports in both the SEC and SAC mean that the platen can
         The AXIS Nova  is capable of high sensitivity, excellent                                                                                                      always be observed for complete piece of mind.
         energy resolution and fast, high spatial resolution                                                                                                           To accommodate particular data acquisition requirements platens with specific
         imaging meeting the analysis needs of the most                                                                              1   X-ray source                  functionality are supplied. For thicker samples a ‘deep sample platen’ is used to
         challenging applications.                                                                                                   2   SAC window                    increase the maximum sample thickness to 19 mm. For thin film angle resolved
                                                                                                                                     3   X-ray mirror                  experiments samples must be mounted on a ‘tilt-platen’ which allows rotation of
         COMPACT FOOTPRINT                                                                                                                                             the sample about the Y-axis. Rotation during sputter profiling is achieved using the
                                                                                                                                     4   SMA and HSA
         The AXIS Nova  is designed as a single unit with a   10                                                                     5   SEC camera                    ‘azimuthal platen’ allowing off axis compucentric rotation about the vertical axis to
         compact footprint measuring 2.06 x 1.07m. Additional                                                                                                          minimise sample roughening caused by ion bombardment.
         space is required for a small closed loop water chiller                                                                     6   Control units
         and computer desk. Services required include dry                                                                            7   SEC window
         nitrogen vent gas, argon for ion sputtering and                                                                             8   Platen elevator                                                 30mm
         compressed air for pneumatic valves all of which are                                                                        9   Ion source
         input via a discrete fluids panel at the rear of the                                                                                                                                   60mm
         spectrometer. The vacuum chamber has integrated   3                                                                        10   SAC camera
         heaters and baking covers for easy computer controlled                                                                                                                              60mm
         bake-out of the system when required.

                                                                                    Path of sample platens from the Sample Entry
                                                                                    Chamber (SEC) to the Sample Analysis Chamber
                                                                                    (SAC). Up to three platens can be stacked
                                                                                    vertically in the SEC, on a storage elevator.                                                                  52mm
      2                                                                                                                                                                                                              45mm                 3
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