Page 16 - Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus
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Data Management

       Shimadzu Gas Chromatograph Work  Station

               LabSolutions Version 5.3
               Powerful LabSolutions Software for Increased Productivity and Easy Operation                                              User Interface

         The LabSolutions series is the next-generation workstation software that integrates GC control, LC control, and           The latest Windows technologies, with a user interface that includes drag-and-drop and right-click menus, offer
         other improvements in functionality, while maintaining compatibility with previous GCsolution products. It offers         multi-functionality and simple, quick, intuitive operation.
         sophisticated functionality, easy operation, and highly expandable and customizable report functions. In addition to
         inheriting these and other concepts from GCsolution, LabSolutions shares a common operating environment.                     Easy-to-Operate Assistant Bar
                                                                                                                                      and Data Explorer
         Easy Operation                                                                                                                 Navigate operations with Assistant Bar. Even novices
           LabSolutions offers both ease of operation and extensive functionality by utilizing a common operating                       can easily conduct analysis or re-analysis simply by
           environment shared throughout the LabSolutions series, including such features as an Assistant Bar and Data                  sequentially clicking on icons.
           Explorer, to provide a user interface that can be operated intuitively and learned in a short time.                          Data Explorer displays a list of files by type. Intuitively
           The new data browser is convenient for comparing multiple sets of data by enabling access to chromatograms,                  handle file operations by double-clicking or
           peak information, and quantitation results from multiple data files at the same time.                                        drag-and-drop.
           Windows for operating the instrument and assistant bar panels for navigating operations can be customized                                                               Assistant Bar
           according to the workflow where the system is being used.                                                                                                               Data Explorer

         Better Analysis Productivity
           Handles control and data processing for up to four GC systems (up to 16 GC systems can be registered).
           (GC-2010 Plus, GC-2010, GC-2014, GC-14B, AOC-20i/s)ɹ                                                                       Batch Table Wizard Simplifies
                                                                                                                                      Consecutive Analyses
           (Note: Not compatible with distillation GC software, PONAsolution, MDGCsolution, or Advanced Flow
           Technology software. Please use the previous GCsolution products.)                                                           Easily create batch tables for consecutive analysis
           Supports simultaneous processing of two samples on a single instrument and a dual injection system.                          of multiple samples using the Wizard.
           Automatically controls all phases of operation, from startup and system check, to baseline check, system                     Simply fill in the prompts in the Wizard to create
           suitability test, associated automatic pass/fail judgment and action functions, and shutdown, to minimize the                multi-point calibration curves and batch tables for
           work required for analysis.                                                                                                  repeated analyses.
           Simultaneously controls GC and LC systems from a single computer. Integrating the operating environment for
           GC and LC analysis reduces the time required for analyst training.
         Comprehensive Basic Functions
                                                                                                                                      Even Confirming Multiple Analytical
           Inherits the popular, proven and robust Chromatopac and GCsolution integration algorithm.
                                                                                                                                      Results Is Easy with the Quant Browser
           Comprehensive functions for peak identification, quantitation, and data comparison.
           Flexible report generation functions with operation similar to MS Word.                                                      The quant browser displays the large amounts of
           Summary report output is possible.                                                                                           analytical data and calculated quantitation results
                                                                                                                                        obtained simultaneously from batch analyses to
         GLP/GMP Regulatory Compliance                                                                                                  allow more efficient analysis.
           Full support of user-management functions and GC-2010 Plus self-diagnostic functions to enhance data                         Since each chromatogram and quantitation result is
           reliability. Supports rigorous GLP/GMP requirements, including audit-trail functions for all method parameters.              linked to respective rows in the Quantitative Results
           System management functions, such as system policy settings, user management, log browser, and audit trail                   Table, the necessary information about each
           functions, provide full functionality for compliance with U.S. FDA 21 CFR Part 11 (regulations regarding                     component in the data files can be accessed easily
           electronic records and electronic signatures).                                                                               by selecting a row in the table.
                                                                                                                                        It is also easy to change peak integration
         Network Compatibility
                                                                                                                                        parameters or other parameters to perform post-run
           Enables effective use of a network environment, such as with in-office data analysis and remote access                       analyses or re-plot calibration curves for multiple
           functions.                                                                                                                   datasets at the same time.
           CLASS-Agent enables file sharing and centralized data management.

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