Page 4 - Shimadzu DPiMS QT
P. 4
DPiMS Can be Used in All Sorts of Fields
Measure Liquid and Solid Samples with Simple Pretreatment
· Reduces the time required to analyze blood, urine, and other biological
samples with conventional methods by approximately 50 %.
· Foods, tissue sections, and other solid samples can be analyzed as it.
Pretreatment times are significantly reduced.
Note: Analytical precision can be improved even for solid samples by Biological sample Solid sample
performing simple pretreatment such as dilution and centrifugation.
The Functional Components of Foods Can be Detected Quickly with
Simple Pretreatment
Daidzein m/z 255.0652 Genistein m/z 271.0601
Mass error
Mass error
Quick and Easy Detection of 3.0e3 −2.4 ppm 3.0e3 −0.4 ppm
Isoflavones in Processed Soy Bean Foods 2.5e3 2.5e3
2.0e3 2.0e3
255.0646 271.0600
10 mg of each food product was 1.5e3 1.5e3
Boiled 1.0e3 1.0e3
permeated with 1 mL of 50 % ethanol. soy beans
5.0e2 5.0e2
This mixture was agitated and centri- 0.0e0 0.0e0
254 255 256 m/z 270 271 272 m/z
fuged, after which the supernatant was
measured, and each component was Mass error 5.0e3 Mass error
−0.4 ppm 0.0 ppm
detected on-plate. 2.0e3 4.0e3
255.0653 271.0601
1.5e3 3.0e3
MS Measurement Conditions 2.0e3
Mass range: m/z 100–800 / IF Voltage: 3.5 kV
Chocolate made 5.0e2 1.0e3
Desolvation line temp: 250°C with processed
Heat blocktemp: 50°C soy beans 0.0e0 254 255 256 m/z 0.0e0 270 271 272 m/z
Polarity:Positive / Event Time: 0.02sec
Analysis System with No Carryover
Only a few dozen pL of the sample adheres to the probe after each sampling. There is no worry of contamination
inside the mass spectrometer. Carryover can even be prevented by changing probes. Concentrated samples and
samples of unknown concentration can be measured.
450000 1:472.6710(+) 90 1:472.6710(+)
400000 80
350000 70
300000 60
40 No Signal
150000 Blank solvent measurement 30
100000 after 30 analyses of 10
high concentration samples 0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 min 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 min
NaI (400 mg/L) Base Peak (m/z 472.6710) MS Chromatogram Blank Solvent