Page 3 - Shimadzu AIRsight
P. 3

AIRsight ™

 Raman and FTIR microscopy

 in perfect harmony

                        Infrared                                                      Raman

                                                           Sample: Film

                                                   Same position
 Infrared Spectroscopy and                         is measured by IR and Raman
 Raman Spectroscopy                         Both infrared and Raman spectra can be
                                            measured from the same position in the
                                         extremely small area without moving the sample.
 Infrared and Raman Microscope Based on a
 Combination of Two Analytical Techniques to
 Provide Complementary Molecular Information      Smart software
                                                    controls IR and Raman
 This simple system improves the ef ciency of analytical
                                              Easily switch between infrared and
 operations by making it easy to perform all process   Raman measurements in the software.
 steps from sample observation to data analysis.

                                                   Single system
 3S Microscope                                          saves space

                                               Enables both infrared and Raman
                                             measurements in only one instrument.

 Raman  space

 Same position  Smart software  Single system

 is measured by IR and Raman  controls IR and Raman  saves space
 No need to search  One easy-to-use  Small footprint
 for the same position  software
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