Page 7 - Shimadzu AGX-V2 Series
P. 7

Wider Range, More Detail, More Variety

 Ultra-high-speed data sampling  Testing Machine Main Unit
 0.1 ms
 10 kHz   sampling  Load Frame
 Captures Instantaneous Changes  50 ms  Frame Design Provides High Rigidity
 The ultra-high-speed sampling function has progressed up to a sampling   and High-Level Alignment
 rate of 10 kHz (0.1ms). Sudden and tiny changes, such as when brittle
               The newly designed guide column*  is equipped
 materials break, can now be assessed.
               with a support ring*  that maintains a right angle
               with the table surface. As a result, measurement
 Ultra-high-speed data sampling  repeatability has been improved in tests of highly
 Guaranteed test force range  rigid materials and highly brittle materials, prone to
 1/2000        the impact of frame rigidity or alignment, enabling
               stable testing.
 Reduces the Frequency of Load Cell Replacement

 The guaranteed test force accuracy range has been enlarged to 1/2000 for
 an even wider range of data reliability. Even data from the very beginning
 of the test force application can be analyzed with confidence. Tests that
 previously required multiple load cell replacements to suit the test force
 are now supported by a single load cell, cutting back on replacement
 procedures and calibration expenses.

 Maximum number of sensor inputs
 20 ch

 All the Data Are Synchronized and Acquired with High Accuracy
 A Data Logger is Not Required

 The external input ports can be expanded to 20 channels. Analog input units
                Voice Operation Device
 and counter units can be selected, making it easy to acquire more data without
 a data logger.  XV-Talk           ™
 The load cell, extensometer, and external input ports are synchronized, and all
 channels are sampled simultaneously, improving the simultaneity of the data.   New Operability with Voice
 This further improves the accuracy and reliability of the elastic modulus and
 other data calculated using two or more measurement values.  The AGX-V2 responds to the operator’s voice.
               The AGX-V2 operates in response to key phrases spoken
               by the operator. This frees the operator from frequently
 Load amplifier  used buttons, such as “Start Test” and “Return.”* * 3
 (sensor amplifier)
 4 channel analog
 input unit
 Digital input unit
 PIO unit

 Sensor amplifier

               *1 Available floor models range from 20 kN to 300 kN.
               *2 Use the voice operation function when the noise is 55 dB(A) or less. Voice operations may not work when the background noise is high.
               *3  Without a safety cover, some voice control functions are limited.

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