Page 7 - Toki Sangyo - TVB15
P. 7

Upper Measurement Limit Tables ʢmPaɾsʣ

             57#   .8      Model TVB-10MW / TVB-15M are ideal for high accuracy measurement of low viscosities. L-Adaptor combination enables
                           measurement of viscosities below 15mPaŋs
             57#   .                                    Rotational Speed (rpm)
               L/Adpɹ˞         10         20        50        100        200       400       1,000     2,000
               M1             100        200       500       1,000      2,000     4,000     10,000    20,000
               M2             500       1,000     2,500      5,000     10,000    20,000     50,000    100,000
               M3            2,000      4,000    10,000     20,000     40,000    80,000    200,000    400,000
               M4           10,000     20,000    50,000    100,000    200,000    400,000  1,000,000  2,000,000

             57#   )8      Model TVB-10HW / TVB-15H are suitable for measurement of high viscosities. Accessory 6-pc. rotor set and variations in
                           rotation speed enable measurement in the ranges indicated in this table.
             57#   )                                    Rotational Speed (rpm)
               ϩʔλ                                                                                   ɹ
               H1ɹ˞         100      200     500    1,000    2,000   2,500    4,000   5,000   10,000   20,000
               H2           400      800    2,000   4,000    8,000   10,000  16,000   20,000  40,000   80,000
               H3          1,000   2,000    5,000   10,000  20,000   25,000  40,000   50,000  100,000  200,000
               H4          2,000   4,000   10,000   20,000  40,000   50,000  80,000  100,000  200,000  400,000
               H5          4,000   8,000   20,000   40,000  80,000  100,000  160,000  200,000  400,000  800,000
               H6         10,000   20,000  50,000  100,000  200,000  250,000  400,000  500,000  1,000,000  2,000,000
               H7         40,000   80,000   200,000   400,000   800,000   1,000,000 1,600,000 2,000,000 4,000,000   8,000,000

                           Model TVB-10RW / TVB-15R offer twice the torque of Model TVB-10HW / TVB-15H for double the measurement range as
             57#   38      indicated in this table.
             57#   3                                    Rotational Speed (rpm)
               H1ɹ˞           200        400      1,000      2,000      4,000     8,000     20,000    40,000
               H2             800       1,600     4,000      8,000     16,000    32,000     80,000    160,000
               H3            2,000      4,000    10,000     20,000     40,000    80,000    200,000    400,000
               H4            4,000      8,000    20,000     40,000     80,000   160,000    400,000    800,000
               H5            8,000     16,000    40,000     80,000    160,000   320,000    800,000  1,600,000
               H6           20,000     40,000    100,000   200,000    400,000   800,000   2,000,000  4,000,000
               H7           80,000    160,000    400,000   800,000   1,600,000  3,200,000  8,000,000  16,000,000

             57#   68      Model TVB-10UW / TVB-15U offer an eight-fold increase in torque over the TVB-10HW / TVB-15H for an eight-fold
                           increase in measurement range as indicated in this table.
             57#   6                                    Rotational Speed (rpm)
               H1ɹ˞           800       1,600     4,000      8,000     16,000    32,000     80,000    160,000
               H2            3,200      6,400     16,000    32,000     64,000   128,000    320,000    640,000
               H3            8,000     16,000     40,000    80,000    160,000   320,000    800,000  1,600,000
               H4           16,000     32,000     80,000   160,000    320,000   640,000   1,600,000  3,200,000
               H5           32,000     64,000    160,000   320,000    640,000  1,280,000  3,200,000  6,400,000
               H6           80,000    160,000    400,000   800,000   1,600,000  3,200,000  8,000,000  16,000,000
               H7          320,000    640,000  1,600,000  3,200,000  6,400,000  12,800,000  32,000,000  64,000,000

            ˞ denotes option.
            Accurate measurement values might not be obtained in the entire area indicated by dark shading ɹɹɹɹɹɹɹor portions of the area indicated by light shading
            ɹɹɹɹɹ as these areas are subject to turbulent flow.
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