Page 6 - Toki Sangyo - TVB15
P. 6


               Viscosity Data Processing Software  ʦVisco-viewerʧ   ʢfor TVB-15 viscometerʣ
               The TVB-15 viscometer runs software, developed by Toki Sangyo for viscometers, which allows direct downloading of mea-
               surement data from viscometers to PC’s. We highly recommend this option for use with the TVB-15 Series viscometer.  (This
               software can also be used with the TV-25, TV-35, and R-85 Series of viscometers.)

               Printer  ʢfor TVB-15 viscometerʣ             T-Bar Stage  ʦTS-20ʧ
               The DPU-414 thermal printer provides hardcopy      The T-bar stage enables accurate measurement of substances
               printouts of measurement data from the TVB-15   such as pastes and gels that are subject to structural failures due
               viscometer.                                 to yield values and shear characteristics ʢthixotropic substances,
                                                           mayonnaise, etc.ʣ and is ideal for use in manufacturing processes
                                                           and quality control.
                                                          The device vertically raises and
                                                           lowers the sample allowing a “T”
                                                           shaped spindle  ʢT-barʣto describe
                                                           a helical path through the sample
                  Printing Method  ɹThermal serial dot     so that the spindle always comes
                   Printing Digits ɹ40 digits              into contact with fresh parts of the
                    Paper Width ɹApprox. 90mm              sample.  Slipping  ʢ“channeling”ʣ
                  Printing Speed ɹ52.5 cps (Max)           and thixotropic breakdown of the
                    Dimensions ɹ160ʢWʣ x 170ʢDʣ x 66.5ʢHʣmm  sample is avoided to provide stable
                       Weight ɹApprox. 700g ʢInc. Batteryʣ   and accurate measurement.
                ʢThermal Paperʣ

                    Paper Width ɹ112mm
                External Diameter ɹП48mm
                        Length ɹApprox. 28m
                                                            Small Sample Adaptors  ʢCirculator typeɾImmersion typeʣ
                                                           The small sample adaptor is attached to spindle type viscometers
                                                           to enable viscosity measurement of small volume samples. For
                                                           small samples  ʢ8-13mlʣ, these adaptors must be used in com-
               Low Viscosity Adaptor                       bination with temperature baths for proper temperature control.
               This adaptor for TVB-10MW and TVB-15M Series   Temperatures can be regulated quickly due to the small volume of
               viscometers enables measurement of low viscos-  such samples.  Circulator or immersion type small sample adap-
               ity samples.                                tors can be selected for use with the temperature baths.

                                                                 $JSDVMBUPS 5ZQF       *NNFSTJPO 5ZQF
               TH1 Rotor
               This TH1 rotor is used with viscometers which
               measure high viscosities and allows the exten-
                                                            Temperature baths
               sion of the measurement range in the low viscos-
               ity range.                                   These baths control
                                                           the temperatures of
                                                           samples and are used
                                                           in combination with the
                                                           small sample adaptor.
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