Page 4 - Toki Sangyo - TVB15
P. 4

                  Principle of Operation

                                                                       1IPUP 4FOTPS                4MJU %JTD "
            Motor rotation is transmitted to the rotor via a tor-
            sion wire. Viscous torque acts on the rotor turning
                                                                       1IPUP 4FOTPS                4MJU %JTD #
            in the measured fluid. The torsion wire rotates with
            the wire in a deflected state at an angle which is
            proportional to the size of the viscous torque. The
            angle of deflection of the torsion wire is the same
            as the reciprocal deflection of slit discs A and B                                    5PSTJPO 8JSF
            which are attached to the ends of the torsion wire.
            Each slit disc’s photo sensor read the deflection
            angel of the disc and this information is converted
            into a viscosity measurement which is displayed.
                                                                                               .BHOFUJD #FBSJOH
            A magnetic bearing positioned at the lower part of
            the torsion wire provides non-contact support of
            the rotor spindle.



            Types               TVB-10MW/TVB-15M    TVB-10HW/TVB-15H    TVB-10RW/TVB-15R     TVB-10UW/TVB-15U
            Full Scale Torque     67.37ɹN ɾm           718.7ɹN ɾm         1437.4ɹN ɾ m         5749.6ɹN ɾ m
            Instrument configuration
             Viscometer Main Unit    ˓                    ˓                   ˓                   ˓
             Rotor Set          TM Rotor Set  ʢ4pcsʣ  TH Rotor Set ʢ6pcsʣ  TH Rotor Set ʢ6pcsʣ  TH Rotor Set ʢ6pcsʣ
                                 ʢTM1 ʙ TM4ʣ          ʢTH2 ʙ TH7ʣ         ʢTH2 ʙ TH7ʣ         ʢTH2 ʙ TH7ʣ
             Rotor Stand             ˓                    ˓                   ˓                   ˓
             Guard                  M Guard             H Guard             H Guard              H Guard
             Roller Stand Set        ˓                    ˓                   ˓                   ˓
             Carrying Case  ʢmain unitʣ  ˓                ˓                   ˓                   ˓
             Carrying Case  ʢrotorʣ  ˓                    ˓                   ˓                   ˓
             Option           Low Viscosity Adaptor Set  TH1 Rotor         TH1 Rotor            TH1 Rotor

            TM Rotor Set

            TH Rotor Set                        Carrying Cases                      3PMMFS 4UBOE 4FU
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8