Page 250 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 250

Appendix I

        Septa Selection Guide

         Septum Material   Description                                                           Temperature (°C)
         PTFE/Red Rubber   Most popular and economical choice for general GC and HPLC applications. Used for routine   -40 to 110
                           analysis in GC with FID, TCD and FPD detectors or HPLC with UV/Vis and RI detectors. They
                           offer moderate resealability and excellent chemical inertness prior puncture. Low durometer
                           of rubber allows ease of needle penetration. PTFE/Red Rubber septa are not recommended
                           for multiple injections or storage of samples.
         PTFE/Silicone     Ideal  for  use  in  GC  and  HPLC  applications  for  its  high  resealability  even  after  repeated   -60 to 200
                           punctures.  Good  for  sensitive  analysis  (lower  background)  and  storage  of  samples.
                           PTFE/Silicone  septa  are  soft  and  more  easily  punctured,  and  protects  the  needle  in
         PTFE/Silicone, pre-slit   Share the same chromatographic characteristics, physical and chemical property as non-slit   -60 to 200
                           PTFE/Silicone  septa.  The  cross-slit  aid  in  needle  penetration  for  low  coring,  and  prevent
                           formation of vacuum when multiple injection or large volume of sample is withdrawal from
                           vial.  However,  the  pre-slit  septa  are  not  recommended  for  storage  of  samples  due  to
                           evaporation of volatile organic solvents through the slit.
         PTFE/Silicone/PTFE   Recommended for ultra trace analysis, or where there is a longer time between injections.   -60 to 200
                           PTFE liners on both sides of Silicone resist coring during penetration, and protects Silicone
                           from chemical attacks.
         Butyl/PTFE        The PTFE barrier provides excellent chemical resistance to most solvents. Butyl/PTFE septa   -40 to 120
                           has good resealability and suitable for gas sampling due to low permeability.

        Physical Characteristic and Solvent Compatibility of Materials used for Caps and Septa.
        The chart below displayed the physical characteristic and solvent compatibility of materials used for caps and septa. You might
        want to test your product under actual conditions of use as there are many factors that can affect chemical resistance.

        Physical Characteristic of Caps and Septa

               Description     Appearance   Temp. MAX °C   Temp. MIN °C   Autoclavable   Dry Heat   Microwavable   Ethylene Oxide   Analytical Purity   Fragmentation*   Hardness†   Resealability‡

          Code                                                Gamma

                                                                         Method             Medium   No
        PP   Polypropylene    Translucent   135   -20  Yes  No  No  Yes  Yes       Low
                                                                         Dependent          hard     resealability
             Polytetra-                                                                     Very hard   No
        PTFE                  White       260   -200  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Very high   Low
             fluorethylene                                                                  (Very thin)  resealability
             Synthetic Red                                                                  Medium
        RR                    Red/beige   110    -30  No  No  No  No  No  Medium   Medium            Medium
             Rubber/PTFE                                                                    hard
                                                                         Method    Low to   Soft to   Highly
        Butyl  Grey Butyl     Opaque grey   125   -20  Yes  No  Yes  Yes  Yes
                                                                         Dependent  Medium   medium   resealable
                                                                                   Low to            Highly
        T/S   Silicone/PTFE   White/Red   200    -60  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  High         Soft
                                                                                   Medium            resealable
        T/S/T  PTFE/Silicone/PTFE  Red/White/Red  200   -60  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  Yes  High   Very low  Soft   Good
        * Due to hardness and molecular structure (coring)
        † Needle penetration
        ‡ In case of multiple injection

        Chemical Resistance of Vials and Caps

        Chemical               Glass   PP     Chemical            Glass  PP     Chemical             Glass  PP
        1,2-Dichloroethane     EE    NN    Diacetone              EE    GF     n-Amyl Acetate        EE    GF
        1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene   EE   NN    Diacetone Alcohol     EE    EF     n-Butanol             EE    EE
        1,4-Dioxane            EE    GF     Dibutylphthalate      EE    NN    n-Butyl Acetate        EE    GF
        2,2,4-Trimethylpentane   EE   FN     Diethyl Benzene      EE    NN    n-Decane               EE    FN
        2,4 Dichlorophenol     EE    NN    Diethyl Ether          EE    NN    n-Heptane              EE    FF
        2-Butanol              EE    EE     Diethyl Ketone        EE    GG    Nitric Acid, 10%       EE    EE
        2-Methoxyethanol       EE    EE     Diethyl Malonate      EE    EE     Nitric Acid, 20%      EE    FF
        2-Propanol             EE    EE     Diethylamine          EE    GN    Nitric Acid, 50%       EE    FN
        Acetaldehyde           EE    GN    Diethylene Dioxide     EE    GF     Nitric Acid, 70%      EE    NN
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