Page 67 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
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No. SSI-LCMS-120

               Table 4: Summary P&A with QQQ LCMS-8045.

                   QQQ  25 ppt P&A    True Value       Avg          Avg.%REC        %RSD           Std Dev
                        PFBS             22.2          25.6            115            2.5           0.629
                       PFHxA             25            25.6            103            3.9           1.01
                      HFPO-DA            62.5          67.2            108            3.7           2.46
                       PFHpA             25            26.4            106            3.6           0.954
                       PFHxS             32.8          26.4            80             4.1           1.09
                      ADONA              25            39.7            159            3.2           1.29
                       PFOA              25            25.1            100            2.5           0.619
                       PFNA              23.1          25.8            112            3.1           0.797
                       PFOS              25            25.7            103            3.6           0.936
                     9Cl-PF3ONS          23.2          27.7            119            2.9           0.809
                       PFDA              25            23.4            94             2.9           0.686
                     N-MeFOSAA           25            31.4            126            5.6           1.75
                     N-EtFOSAA           25            34.8            139            5.5           1.90
                       PFUnA             25            24.1            96             3.6           0.875
                    11Cl-PF3OUdS         23.5           46             196            4             1.85
                       PFDoA             25            23.5            94             2.8           0.665
                       PFTriA            25            24.4            98             3.8           0.916
                       PFTreA            25            25.2            101            2.9           0.726

               Figure 3: Comparison LOQ from QTOF LCMS-9030 and QQQ LCMS-8045.

               ■ Conclusions
               Comparable quantitative results can be obtained by   EPA Method 537.1 allows for additional compounds
               using either a LCMS QQQ or a LCMS QTOF, with the   to be added to the method, as long as the QC
               QTOF having the additional capability to           requirements are met. Simultaneous qualitative and
               simultaneously screen for potential unknown PFAS   quantitative analysis allows for laboratories to
               contaminants with a streamlined workflow using     constantly screen for PFAS not specifically in EPA
               LabSolutions Insight Explore.                      Method 537.1, while quantifying known PFAS

               ■ Reference
                   •   EPA Method 537.1, Determination of selected per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in drinking water
                       by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), Version 1.0.
                       (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., Nov.2018).
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