Page 66 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 66

No. SSI-LCMS-120

               ■ Quantitative Analysis
               Triple quadrupole instruments are typically the    The quantitative capabilities of a QTOF for PFAS
               instruments of choice for quantitative analysis. The   analysis were compared to a triple quadrupole mass
               MRM optimization for the analysis of PFAS was      spectrometer traditionally used for EPA Method
               conducted on a Shimadzu LCMS-8045 triple           537.1. Since a TOF mass analyzer does not operate
               quadrupole instrument. The MRM method was then     in the same fashion as a quadrupole mass analyzer, a
               transferred from LCMS-8045 to LCMS-9030 QTOF       MRM width of 20 ppm was used for all product ions.
               instrument. The method transfer from triple        All calibration curves showed a r  value greater than
               quadrupole instrument to a QTOF instrument could   0.99 as required by EPA Method 537.1. Figure 2
               be easily achieved due to similar front end for both   compares the chromatograms at a sample
               the instruments. Both instruments comprise of a    concentration of 5 ppt for all new targets in EPA
               thermally assisted ESI probe where the sample is   Method 537.1.
               sprayed and ionized at atmospheric pressure. The
               ionized sample is then introduced through the      In order to assess TOF stability, a precision and
               sample introduction unit (desolvation line) into the   accuracy study was conducted at 25 ppt. Table 3 and
               vacuum chamber where the ion focusing units guide   Table 4 show replicated 25 ppt injections for the
               the ions to the quadrupoles. Effective use of triple   QTOF and QQQ, respectively. Figure 3 compares the
               quadrupole and QTOF MS provides a comprehensive    LOQs from QTOF and QQQ, with the results for the
               and accurate data acquisition and analysis.        majority of compounds being less than 3 ng/L.

               Figure 2: QTOF (top) vs QQQ (bottom) Chromatograms at 5ppt of GenX, ADONA, 9Cl-PF3ONS and 11Cl-PF3OUdS.

               Table 3: Summary P&A with QTOF LCMS-9030.

                   QTOF 25 ppt P&A    True Value       Avg          Avg.%REC        %RSD           Std Dev
                        PFBS             22.2          23.7            107            7.6           1.80
                       PFHxA             25             29             116            4.8           1.39
                      HFPO-DA            62.5          80.4            129            7.3           5.89
                       PFHpA             25            27.6            110            7.8           2.16
                       PFHxS             22.8          25.9            113           14.4           3.73
                      ADONA              25            46.2            185            6.1           2.80
                       PFOA              25            28.7            115            5.8           1.65
                       PFOS              23.1          21.7            94            23.1           5.00
                       PFNA              25            28.2            113            6.3           1.78
                     9Cl-PF3ONS          23.2           28             121            6             1.68
                       PFDA              25             25             100            6.3           1.56
                     N-MeFOSAA           25            29.2            117           11.3           3.31
                     N-EtFOSAA           25            25.9            104           23.6           6.11
                       PFUnA             25            24.4            98             7.7           1.88
                    11Cl-PF3OUdS         23.5          44.5            189            6.6           2.94
                       PFDoA             25            22.1            88             6.5           1.43
                       PFTriA            25            22.8            91             6.3           1.44
                       PFTreA            25            22.8            91             6.8           1.55
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69