Page 6 - Application Notebook - Hand Sanitizer Analysis
P. 6

Application                  Gas Chromatography

                                         Alcohol Determination of Sanitizer Gel
                                         in accordance with USP<611>
            No. G333

            United States Pharmacopeia (USP) General Chapters   Analysis Conditions
            <611> ALCOHOL DETERMINATION stipulates two         Using the gas chromatograph Nexis™ GC-2030,
            analytical methods for quantitating ethanol: one with  ethanol in the standard solution and the sample
            distillation and the other by gas chromatography. The  solution  were  quantitated  according  to
            latter (i.e. USP <611> Method II) further gives an  USP<611>ALCOHOL DETERMINATION Method IIb. The
            option of either using a packed column (Method II a)  instrument configuration and analysis conditions for
            or a capillary column (Method II b).
                                                               the this experiment are listed below in Table 1.
            This article introduces a quantitative analysis of
            ethanol in alcohol-based sanitizer gel according to   Table 1 Instrument Configuration and Analysis Conditions
            USP <611> Method II b.
                                                                Model          : Nexis GC-2030 + AOC-20i Plus
                                              N. Iwasa, T. Wada  Detector      : FID-2030 flame ionization detector
                                                                Column         : SH-Rtx™-624 (30 m×0.53 mm I.D., d.f.= 3 µm)
                                                                Column Temperature  : 50 °C (5 min) – 10 °C/min – 200 °C (4 min)
                                                                                Total 24 mins
             Preparation of Standard Solution and Sample       Injection Temperature : 210 °C
               Solution                                         Injection Mode  : Split
            5 mL each of 2 %(v/v) ethanol  *1  and 2 %(v/v)     Split Ratio    : 1: 5
                                                                               : Linear velocity (He)
                                                                Carrier Gas Controller
            acetonitrile *1  (internal standard), both in water, were  Linear Velocity  : 34 cm/sec
            pipetted into a 25 mL volumetric flask, made up to  Detector Temperature : 280 °C
                                                                FID H 2 Flow Rate  : 32 mL/min
            volume with water and vortex to prepare a 0.4 %(v/v)  FID Make up Flow Rate : 24 mL/min (He)
            standard solution.                                  FID Air Flow Rate  : 200 mL/min
                                                                Injection Volume  : 0.2 µL
            As a sample solution, a commercially available sanitizer  Syringe  : Elastic Syringe, AOC (P/N: 221-49548) *2
            gel (ca. 80 %(v/v)) was first diluted with water to ca. 2
            %(v/v) ethanol. To further bring down the concentration  *2 When samples in aqueous solution are analyzed with a standard
            to ca. 0.4 %(v/v), 5 mL of each of the prepared ca. 2  syringe for AOC-20i Plus, the plunger motion may become dull
            %(v/v) sample and 2 %(v/v) acetonitrile were aliquoted  during analysis, which affects repeatability. Using an elastic
                                                                  syringe for AOC (P/N: 221-49548) equipped with a plunger made
            into 25 mL volumetric flask and mixture was make up to
                                                                  of titanium enables stable sample introduction.
            volume with water.
            *1 USP<611> specifies the use of USP Alcohol Determination-Alcohol  In this analysis, a glass insert was specifically
               RS (2 %(v/v) ethanol) and USP Alcohol Determination-Acetonitrile RS  configured as shown in Fig.2 to meet the requirements
               (2 %(v/v) acetonitrile) to prepare the standard solution.  for the system suitability test(SST) in USP<611>. 20 mg
                                                               of deactivated glass wool was packed into a split glass
               <Standard solution>     <Sample solution>
                                                               insert at a position 20 mm from the top. Increasing the
                                      Sample: ca. 80 %(v/v) ethanol  amount of wool compared to the default amount of 10
                                                               mg and placing the wool slightly (i.e. 2 mm) above the
                                               Dilute the sample
                                               40-fold         default position (i.e. 22 mm from the top) improved
                  2 %(v/v) ethanol    Sample: ca. 2 %(v/v) ethanol
                      +                      +
                 IS: 2 %(v/v) acetonitrile  IS: 2 %(v/v) acetonitrile
                                                                                     20 mm
                        Dilute each sample     Dilute each
                        5-fold                 sample 5-fold

                                                                     95 mm
                                                                                   20 mg of glass wool
                                                                                   (P/N: 221-48600)

                     25 mL                  25 mL
                                                                                   Insert for split injection
                                                                                   (P/N: 221-41444-84)
               0.4 %(v/v) standard solution  ca. 0.4 %(v/v) sample solution
                                                                     Fig. 2   Position and Quantity of Wool in the Insert
                       Fig. 1  Sample Preparation Method
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