Page 4 - Application Notebook - Hand Sanitizer Analysis
P. 4

Application                  Gas Chromatography

                                         Analysis of Volatile Impurities in Anhydrous Ethanol
                                         and Ethanol for Disinfection in Accordance with the
            No. G331                     Purity Test set by the Pharmacopoeias (JP, USP, EP)

            Ethanol has antimicrobial properties and is sold as a   System Suitability Test
            disinfectant product at optimized concentrations.  When 1 μL of the standard solution (2) is injected into
            Quality control of the alcohol as a medical product is  GC under the conditions shown in Table 1,
            carried out through verification testing procedures as  acetaldehyde and methanol should elute with
            stipulated  in   each   monograph    of   the      acetaldehyde ahead of methanol and their resolution
            Pharmacopoeias. Guided by the International Council  needs to be no less than 1.5. In this experiment, the
            for Harmonization on Technical Requirements for    resolution of acetaldehyde and methanol was greater
            Pharmaceuticals for Human Use(ICH), the Japanese   than 1.5 (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The calculation for the
            (JP), United States (USP) and European (EP)        resolution was performed as per the JP, USP and EP
            pharmacopoeias share roughly the same verification  Pharmacopoeias.
            testing procedures for anhydrous ethanol and
            ethanol for disinfection. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia                                        データ1
                                                                                                        Data 1
            (ChP) also adopts a similar testing method.           Average resolution (n=3              データ2
                                                                                                        Data 2
                                                                                                        Data 3
            Methanol, acetaldehyde, acetal and benzene are        2.01 (JP, EP)                        データ3
                                                                  1.82 (USP)
            among the volatile impurities to be monitored. An                         Acetaldehyde
            instrument is required to detect benzene down to the
            specified 2 vol ppm limit or lower and also obtain a
            good   resolution  between  acetaldehyde  and                              Methanol
            methanol. This article presents the analysis of volatile
            impurities in accordance with the purity test (3) of the
            Japanese pharmacopoeia.
                                           A. Miyamoto, T. Wada
             Testing Method                                    0.0      1.0      2.0      3.0      4.0   min
            The sample solution and standard solutions (1) – (4)  *1  Fig. 1   Chromatogram of Standard Solution (2) for Anhydrous
            were prepared in accordance with Supplement I to the   Ethanol (Overlaid Data from Three Continuous Analyses)
            Japanese Pharmacopoeia Seventeenth Edition. For
            ethanol for disinfection, purified water was added to 83  Average resolution (n=3)          Data 1
                                                                                                        Data 2
            mL of anhydrous ethanol to make up to a total volume  1.74 (JP, EP)                         データ2
                                                                   1.74(JP 、EP)
                                                                                                        Data 3
            of 100 mL.                                            1.68 (USP)         Acetaldehyde
             Analysis Conditions
            Table 1 lists the instrument configurations and the
            analysis conditions used in this experiment.                               Methanol
            Table 1 Instrument Configuration and Analysis Conditions
             Model           :  Nexis™ GC-2030/AOC-20i Plus
                                                                0.0      1.0      2.0      3.0      4.0   min
             Column          :  ZB-624 (30 m, 0.32 mm I.D., df=1.8 µm)
                                                                 Fig. 2   Chromatogram of Standard Solution (2) for Ethanol for
             Column Temp.    :  40 °C (12 min)-10 °C/min-240 °C (10 min)  Disinfection (Overlaid Data from Three Continuous Analyses)
                                                Total:42 min
                                                              *1: This article uses the JP nomenclature. The USP and EP counterparts are as
             Detector        :  FID
                                                                 listed below.
             Carrier Gas Control  :  Constant linear velocity
                                                                         JP           USP            EP
             Carrier Gas     :  He, 35 cm/sec
                                                                       Sample     Sample solution A  Test solution(a)
             Injection Temp.  :  200 °C
             Detector Temp.  :  280 °C                              Sample Solution  Sample solution B  Test solution(b)
             Injection Mode  :  Split  *2                          Standard Solution (1)  Standard solution A Reference solution(a)
             Split Ratio     :  1:20                               Standard Solution (2)  Standard solution B Reference solution(b)
             Injection Volume  :  1 µL                             Standard Solution (3)  Standard solution C Reference solution(c)
                                                                   Standard Solution (4)  Standard solution D Reference solution(d)
            *2: The insert for splitless use for GC-17A (P/N:221-41544) was used.
               The insert was packed with 10 mg of deactivated glass wool (P/N:
                                                              *2: FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation’s Japanese Pharmacopoeia-
                                                                 grade ethanol (99.5)
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