Page 49 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 49


                                               Servopulser/Hydroshot                                 Product Information

                                                                                                      Product Evaluation

               Evaluation  of  Endurance  and  Impact  Characteristics  of  Plastic  Products  Using
               Servopulser/Hydroshot Testing Machines
               To ensure reliability and safety under actual usage conditions, it is essential to understand and control not only basic static   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               strength, but also endurance (with respected to repeated stresses) and impact resistance characteristics. Servopulser fatigue
               testing machines are able to efficiently apply precise repeated loads and reproduce various load waveforms experienced in actual
               operation. Hydroshot high-speed impact testing machines can obtain failure characteristics data at speeds up to 20 m/sec.

               Features of Servopulser
              • Loading capacity and loading mode selectable based on a test object
                The hydraulic configuration is able to repeatedly apply large loads (up to 300 kN for
                standard models) at high speed, which allows fatigue testing of almost any material                   Raw Materials  Evaluation of
                or mechanical part.
              • Stress and strain controls enable precision control
                Closed  loop  servo  control  enables  reproducing  loading  waveforms  accurately
                and faithfully. With fundamental cycle waveforms as well as random and actual
                operating load waveforms, simulation testing can be supported as well.
              • Select from two available controllers
                Select either the compact 4830 controller or the 4890 controller, which allows
                using various data analysis modes. Connected to a computer, these allow seamlessly                     Product Evaluation
                performing all testing tasks via the computer, including configuring test parameter
                settings, executing tests, and analyzing data.
              • Extensive assortment of accessories
                A wide assortment of accessories, such as test jigs (grips and so on), various external
                sensors (to measure elongation and displacement), and environment control devices   Tabletop Servopulser (Hydraulic)
                (such as high/low temperature and high/low humidity), are available for configuring
                an evaluation system that is optimized for given objectives.
              • Electromagnetic and pneumatic systems are also available
                For smaller loading capacity requirements, electromagnetic (Micro-Servo) and pneumatic                 Product Information
                (Air-Servo) systems are also available as an alternative to hydraulic actuation. These models
                offer lower environmental impact and are ideal for fields such as electronics.
              • Also capable of multi-axis testing
                Multiaxial systems (maximum 4 axes) can also be configured, which are ideal for
                testing the endurance of actual parts, such as automobile components. Features
                include an interaxial interference correction function based on transfer functions   4830 Controller and Operation Computer
                and a resonant frequency tracking function.

               Features of Hydroshot
              • Hydraulic actuation enables accurate speed control
                Hydroshot testing machines feature accurate flowrate control of pressurized hydraulic oil
                and enable high capacities (maximum 10 kN) and high loading speeds (maximum 20 m/sec).
              • Two types available – puncture or tension
                The product line includes two types, the HITS-P10 model for puncture testing and
                the HITS-T10 for tensile testing.
              • Accurate measurements
                A test force detector (load cell) designed to minimize reflection of vibration and stress
                waveforms during high-speed loading and a crosshead displacement detector ensure
                accurate data acquisition. A non-contact type chuck displacement gauge (for tensile testing)
                is effective in measuring the amount of deformation in the area closest to the specimen.
              • Extensive assortment of accessories
                An extensive line of accessories are available to configure the optimal system, such as
                various light-weight grips best-suited to the given specimen, approach jigs for tensile testing,
                and thermostatic chambers to control the temperature of the testing atmosphere.
              • Specialized operating software
                All  machines  include  software  designed  specifically  for  operating  Hydroshot
                machines. This ensures that all operations, from setting test parameters to organizing   Hydroshot HITS-T10 High-Speed Impact
                data can be performed as simply and safely as possible.                 (Tensile) Testing Machine

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