Page 9 - Solutions for Industrial Process Water
P. 9

Elemental and Metals


               Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
               AA-7000 Series

            The AA-7000 series is an affordable, robust solution for
            elemental analysis. It can be configured for flame or graphite
            furnace analysis, depending on analyte concentration.

            •   An automated, six-lamp carousel for multi-element analysis
            •   Optional integrated graphite furnace for determination of
                low concentration analytes
            •   Carousel-style autosampler for sampling, dilution, and pre-
            •   Redundant interlock features to ensure safe operation

               ICP Optical Emission Spectroscopy
               ICP-9800 Series

            The ICP-9800 series optical emission spectrometer offers reliable,
            robust elemental analysis of waters. It is well-suited for analysis
            of waters, brines, and emulsions. It offers:

            •   A vacuum-purged optical bench to minimize gas usage
            •   Easy configuration for axial and radial viewing with
                simultaneous detection of all wavelengths and elements
            •   A vertically-oriented torch that minimizes carryover and
            •   The industry’s lowest argon consumption at 11 liters per
                minute during analysis using the mini torch

               ICP Mass Spectrometry

            The ICPMS-2030 is Shimadzu’s flagship instrument for elemental
            analysis. It enables the highest sensitivity, into the parts-per-
            trillion range for many analytes. It also features:

            •   The industry’s lowest argon consumption at 11 liters per
                minute during analysis using the mini torch
            •   An integrated helium-based collision cell for efficient removal
                of polyatomic interferences
            •   Simplified hardware for easy routine maintenance with
                minimal tools

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