Page 5 - Solutions for Industrial Process Water
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Online Total Organic Carbon,

            Nitrogen, and Phosphorus

               Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
               TOC-4200 and TNPC-4110c

            The TOC-4200 and TNPC-4110c takes all of the functionality of the TOC-L and places
            it in a rugged, industrial housing. The TNPC-4110c adds online total nitrogen and total
            phosphorus analysis capabilities in addition to total carbon. Both instruments automate
            online analysis; samples from up to six different streams are automatically analyzed at
            your desired frequency. They feature:

            •   Automated sampling from up to to six process streams for real-time analysis
            •   Durable housing for instrument placement in hostile conditions
            •   Independent control from instrument screen or remote via PC
            •   Optional total nitrogen (TN) unit for TOC and TN analyses for TOC-4200
            •   Accurate, precise results, even with high-salt / brine sample matrices

            Nutrients, Metals, and Physical


               UV-Vis Spectrophotometer

            UV-Vis spectrophotometry can be used to assess a variety of chemical and physical
            parameters of water and wastewater. Shimadzu’s UV-1280 is a versatile and low-
            maintenance, single-beam spectrophotometer – ideal for routine analysis of
            environmental samples. The Water Analysis Package offers easy-to-use and convenient
            built-in methods for analysis of 39 analytes in the ppm concentration range, including
            nitrate, nitrite, and o-phosphate.   Name                       Name
                                              ClO      Chlorine (Free)      NO 2       Nitrite
                                              CN       Cyanide (Free)       NO 3  (1)  Nitrate (NO 2 =0)
            This makes the UV-1280 an ideal   CN T     Total Cyanide        NO 3  (2)  Nitrate (NO 2 ≦0.05mg/L)
            solution for quick detection of ionic   COD  COD                NO 3  (3)  Nitrate (NO 2 ≦5mg/L)
                                              Color    Color                NO 2 -N    Nitrite Nitrogen
            compounds, metals, and other water   Cr 6+  Hexavalent Chromium  NO 3 -N (1)  Nitrate Nitrogen(NO 2 -N=0)
            quality parameters.               Cr 6+ -50  Hexavalent Chromium-50mm  NO 3 -N (2)  Nitrate N(NO 2 -N≦0.015mg/L)
                                              Cr 6+ (D)  Hexavalent Chromium (Low)  NO 3 -N (3)  Nitrate N(NO 2 -N≦1.5mg/L)
                                              Cr 6+ (WAK)  Hexavalent Chromium (WAK)  Pb  Lead
                                              Cr T     Total Chromium       Phenol     Phenol
                                              Cu       Copper               PO 4       Phosphate
                                              F        Fluoride (Free)      PO 4 (D)   Phosphate (Enzyme)
                                              Fe       Iron                 PO 4 -P    Phosphate Phosphorus
                                              Fe (D)   Iron (Low)           PO 4 -P(D)  Phosphate P(Enzyme)
                                              FOR      Formaldehyde         S          Sulfde
                                                       Hydrogen Peroxide    TH         Total Hardness
                                              H 2 O 2
                                              Mn       Manganese            Turbid (FTU)  Turbidity (Formazin)
                                                       Ammonium             Turbid (PS)  Turbidity (Polystyrene)
                                              NH 4
                                              NH 4 -N  Ammonium Nitrogen    Zn (D)     Zinc (Low)
                                              Ni       Nickel
                                                Analytical Solutions for Industrial Process Water                        5
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