Page 8 - Solutions for Industrial Process Water
P. 8

Elemental and Metals


            Because of the high solubility of many metal compounds in aqueous solution, coupled with their potential toxicity,
            metal-rich process water must be treated to meet concentration requirements in discharge permits.

            Shimadzu offers a slate of instruments for elemental analysis of process water, including atomic absorption (AA),
            inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), and ICP mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The
            performance of these instruments have been evaluated in accordance to approved methods for compliance
            monitoring (e.g., EPA 200.7, 200.8 and 200.9).

                          EPA 200.7  EPA 200.8  EPA 200.9               EPA 200.7  EPA 200.8  EPA 200.9
                          (ICP-OES)  (ICP-MS)   (AA)                    (ICP-OES)  (ICP-MS)    (AA)
             Aluminum         •         •         •        Mercury          •         •
             Antimony         •         •         •        Molybdenum       •         •
             Arsenic          •         •         •        Nickel           •         •         •
             Barium           •         •                  Phosphorus       •
             Beryllium        •         •         •        Potassium        •
             Boron            •                            Selenium         •         •         •
             Cadmium          •         •         •        Silicon          •

             Calcium          •                            Silver           •         •         •
             Cerium           •                            Sodium           •
             Chromium         •         •         •        Strontium        •
             Cobalt           •         •         •        Thallium         •         •         •
             Copper           •         •         •        Thorium                    •
             Iron             •                   •        Tin              •                   •
             Lead             •         •         •        Titanium         •
             Lithium          •                            Uranium                    •
             Magnesium        •                            Vanadium         •         •

             Manganese        •         •         •        Zinc             •         •
            Comparison table of common analytical methods and target elements.

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