Page 7 - Solutions for Contaminant Analysis
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EDXIR-Analysis: Integrated EDX-FTIR Analysis Software (Optional)  ˙    Viewing Library Data and Adding, Editing, and Deleting Data, Images, and Document Files

            Click on “View and Edit Data” and select an existing library to access data, images, and document  les in the selected library and to add, edit, and delete
 This integrated EDX-FTIR analysis software (EDXIR-Analysis) is designed to perform a qualitative
            data in the library. Users can also create new libraries with EDXIR-Analysis. Data collected with analytical systems other than EDX and FTIR systems
 analysis with the data obtained by an energy dispersive X-ray  uorescence spectrometer (EDX) and a
            (chromatography systems, mass spectrometers, surface analyzers, etc.) can also be saved alongside EDX and FTIR system data by adding them to the library
 Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR). The EDXIR-Analysis software integrates the
            in PDF format.
 analysis of data obtained by FTIR analysis (suited to identi cation and characterization of organic
 materials) and EDX analysis (suited to elemental analysis such as of metals and inorganic materials) to
 identify target materials and calculate degrees of similarity against reference data. EDXIR-Analysis can
 also perform an analysis of data from EDX analysis alone or FTIR analysis alone. The spectral library
 used by EDXIR-Analysis is an original Shimadzu library (485 data sets included as standard) created
 with help from water utility companies and food producers. New data, images, and PDF format
 document  les can also be added to the library, offering an effective means of linking together and
 storing different types of data electronically.
                                                                                       Photographs, Document Files,
                                                                                       Comments, etc.
 ˙   Integrated Analysis of Contaminant Data and Identification Testing by Data Comparison
 An analyst simply clicks on “Analysis Using Both EDX and FTIR Data,” selects the EDX and FTIR data, and the EDXIR-Analysis software automatically
 performs the qualitative analysis . The software streamlines a time-consuming process that is typically performed by the analyst, offering a powerful tool
 for contaminant analysis.  EDX Pro les, Quantitative Results,
 The integrated analysis produces a hit list and displays the EDX pro le and FTIR spectra of each library hit.  EDX Photographs, Comments, etc.  FTIR Spectra and Comments
 Results from a non-integrated analysis of data collected from each analytical technique can also be viewed by clicking the “Single” button.
 A “Data Comparison” feature also calculates the degree of similarity between library data and collected data for applications in identi cation testing, such
 as to protect against silent changes.
 Click the “Print” button to print out  les in a standard format and save  les in Word format .  View Library Photographs
 *1: Categorizes samples as inorganic/organic/mixed based on the EDX pro le. Applies a weighting to each category for integrated analysis. [Patent pending]  View Document Files
 *2: Requires Microsoft ®  Word.
                                                     All Data is Linked Together in the Library
 An example integrated analysis was performed on data collected from a black rubber-like contaminant and, in a separate analysis, data collected from a
 legitimate product made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) was compared with data collected from a product for inspection.
 The integrated analysis showed the black rubber-like contaminant was acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) with calcium carbonate and zinc stearate.
 The data comparison showed the degree of similarity between the PVC product for inspection and the legitimate PVC product was 0.8506. According to
            Products for EDX and FTIR Systems
 the EDX pro le and FTIR spectrum, lead (Pb) and acrylic not present in the legitimate product were detected in the product for inspection. Based on this
  nding, the components not present in the legitimate product are probably contaminants in the product for inspection.  EDXIR-Holder Contaminant Retainer/Storage Container (Optional)

            Samples placed in an EDXIR-Holder can be analyzed on both an EDX system and an FTIR system. After analysis, the sample can also be stored in the
            EDXIR-Holder with no further processing.

            ˙   Reducing Analytical Work
 EDX  EDX Pro le  FTIR Spectrum  Plastic Analyzer  IRXross+AIMsight
            The EDXIR-Holder contains an adhesive  lm for sample adhesion and a polypropylene  lm for X-ray  uorescence analysis and can be opened and closed.
            To perform EDX analysis, the EDXIR-Holder is closed and positioned with the polypropylene  lm facing the irradiated side in an EDX system (facing down).
            To perform FTIR analysis, the EDXIR-Holder is opened and the sample adhered to the adhesive  lm is pushed directly against the ATR prism. EDXIR-Holder
 Input Collected Data
            minimizes the work involved in sample preparation, thus reducing analytical tasks and streamlining the analysis process.

            ˙   Preventing Lost Samples
 Integrated Analysis  Data Comparison
            After analysis, the EDXIR-Holder can be closed and the sample stored inside the EDXIR-Holder with no further processing. The sample does not need to be
            transferred to a separate storage container, thus lowering the risk of sample loss.
                          For EDX Analysis           An open EDXIR-Holder (inside)     For FTIR Analysis
                                                Polypropylene  lm for
                                                X-ray  uorescence analysis  Adhesive  lm

 Results from Integrated Analysis of Data on  Comparing Data from Legitimate PVC Product  Close the EDXIR-Holder and face the polypropylene   Open the EDXIR-Holder and push the sample
 Black Rubber-Like Contaminant  and Product for Inspection   lm towards the irradiated side (facing down)  Attach the sample to the  lm  adhered to the adhesive  lm up against the prism.

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