Page 4 - Solutions for Contaminant Analysis
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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometers (FTIR)                                                                      Raman Spectrophotometers

            Every material has a unique infrared absorption spectrum, hence contaminants can be identi ed and characterized by measuring their infrared absorption spectrum   Similar to infrared spectra, every material has a unique Raman spectrum that can be used to identify and characterize contaminants by comparing them
            with an FTIR system and comparing it against library data. This process can take several seconds to several minutes and is a powerful tool in the analysis of organic   against library data.
            substances.                                                                                                               Raman analysis also requires almost no sample pretreatment. Raman analysis can also use visible light lasers to analyze samples across transparent glass
                                                                                                                                      slides and containers.

            ˙   FTIR System with Single Reflection ATR Accessory
                                                                                                                                      ˙   AIRsight Infrared/Raman Microscope
            The single re ection ATR accessory almost entirely removes the need for sample pretreatment
            before FTIR analysis. Measurements can be taken while simply holding the object of interest in                            Raman mode on the AIRsight infrared/Raman microscope can analyze very small
            contact with the approx. 1.5-mm diameter prism.                                                                           contaminants 10 µm and smaller in size not easily analyzed in infrared mode. Raman
            Measurements can be collected directly from samples in a variety of forms, including powders,                             mode can also be used to characterize inorganic materials not easily characterizable in
             lms, bulk samples, liquids, and surface deposits.                                                                        infrared mode (for metal inorganic materials, use the EDX systems mentioned above or
                                                                              Plastic Analyzer (Uses IRSpirit FTIR Unit)
                                                                                                                                      EMPA systems mentioned below).
            ˙   Analysis of a Degraded Automobile Headlight Cover                                                                                                                                             IRTracer-100+AIRsight
            The Plastic Analyzer system was used to analyze an automobile headlight cover with yellow discoloring. The yellow-discolored area was near the middle of the cover   ˙   Analysis of a Reddish-Brown Contaminant on the Surface of a Medicinal Tablet
            where the cover was exposed to the outdoor environment. Comparing the absorption spectrum of the yellowed area and a transparent area of the cover was expected   A reddish-brown contaminant was found scattered over an area around 100 µm in size on the surface of a medicinal tablet. Infrared mode with ATR sampling was initially
            to reveal additional infrared absorption in the transparent area compared to the yellowed area. A UV-Damaged Plastics Library is included as standard with the Plastic   used to analyze the normal area and contaminated area of the tablet, but this approach did not provide useful peaks from the contaminated area. Switching to Raman mode
            Analyzer, and a search of this library identi ed the yellowed area of the cover as degraded polycarbonate (PC). Although headlight covers are often made from PC   and performing a similar analysis of the normal area and contaminated area of the tablet revealed peaks that seemed to show the contaminant. A spectral search then
            because it is a mechanically strong material that tends not to shatter when broken, PC is also vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation.
                                                                                                                                      revealed the adhered contaminant to be iron oxide.
                                                     Yellowed area                  Polycarbonate 500h
                                                     Transparent area               Yellowed area                                                                                                       Normal Area
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Contaminated Area

                                                    Headlight Cover Infrared Spectra  Library Search Result for Yellowed Area
                                               (Black line: transparent area, red line: yellowed area)                                                                                               Raman Spectrum of Contaminant Adhered to Surface of
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Medicinal Tablet Overlaid with Raman Spectrum of Normal Area
            ˙   AIMsight Infrared Microscope

            Analyzes samples as small as approx. 10 µm in size. Supports transmission, specular re ection,                            Electron Probe Microanalyzer
            ATR, and other sampling techniques for analysis of a wide variety of samples. The AIMsight
            infrared microscope also comes with a range of features as standard that assist contaminant
                                                                                                                                      Irradiates the sample with an electron beam to perform elemental analysis and obtain geometric data on micrometer-order contaminants at high magni cations.
            analysis, such as a wide- eld camera (maximum  eld of view: 10 × 13 mm), the Contaminant
                                                                                                                                      Electron probe microanalyzers can perform highly accurate and precise elemental analysis across very small and large areas.
            Analysis program that automatically identi es contaminants in the  eld of view, and the
            Spectrum Advisor    function that helps the user to determine the quality of their data.
            ˙   Analysis of a Contaminant Attached to a Button Cell Battery           IRXross+AIMsight                                ˙   EPMA-1720 Series/8050G
            AIMsight was used to analyze a contaminant attached to a button cell battery. The wide- eld camera simpli ed the process of examining the button cell battery   ˙   Analysis of a Contaminant on a Frozen Pizza
            and determining the speci c area for analysis. The sampling technique used in this analysis was direct ATR. A library search of an original Shimadzu contaminant
            library showed the contaminant was mainly composed of acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) with CaCO3, aluminum silicate (KAOLIN), and phthalate ester as   A black contaminant attached to a frozen pizza was sampled and subjected to elemental mapping
            additives.                                                                                                                analysis. Iron (Fe) and chrome (Cr) were detected across a wide area and  uorine (F) was detected in
                                                                                                                                      localized areas of the sample. FTIR analysis revealed starch, linseed oil, and  uoropolymer material, and
                                                                                                                                      EDX analysis revealed nickel (Ni) in addition to Fe and Cr. The black contaminant is presumed to be burned
                                                                                                                                      vegetable oil mixed with  uorine compounds and stainless steel powder originating from the cooking
                                                                        Search Result
                                                                                                                                      equipment and manufacturing machinery, though this requires veri cation at the manufacturing site.  EPMA-1720 Series

                   Wide-Field Camera Image  Microscope Camera Image

                                                                ATR Spectrum of Contaminant Attached to Button Cell Battery Overlaid
                                                                              with Spectral Search Result

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