Page 2 - Solutions for Contaminant Analysis
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Total Support for Contaminant Analysis and                                                                                Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometers (EDX)

            Failure Identi cation                                                                                                     When a material is irradiated with X-rays, each element in the material generates unique X-rays (X-ray  uorescence). The elements and the concentrations of those
                                                                                                                                      elements in the material can be determined based on the energies of these X-rays and their intensity. EDX systems can analyze samples in various forms with no
            The adulteration of products by contaminants causes a wide range of problems in every sector of industry.                 chemical pretreatment, including solid, liquid, and powder samples, and are ideal for contaminant analysis when preserving the sample is a priority.
            These problems can only be resolved by analyzing the contaminating material and identifying its source.
            Shimadzu offers a powerful range of products and tools for contaminant analysis and failure analysis.
                                                                                                                                      ˙   EDX-7200 / 8100
            ˙   Contaminant Analysis Flowchart                                                                                        These  agship models in the Shimadzu EDX series are equipped with a liquid nitrogen-free, high-performance
                                                                                                                                      semiconductor detector, a collimator, and sample camera effective for the analysis of very small samples and very small
            Contaminant analysis can be undertaken by a variety of methods, and it is vital to select an analytical method best suited to the shape and size of the
                                                                                                                                      sample quantities, and also support helium purge analysis and vacuum analysis (optional) for highly sensitive measure-
            contaminant. The  owchart below summarizes this process of identifying the contaminant and selecting the appropriate analytical system. Follow this
                                                                                                                                      ment of light elements.
             owchart to select the optimum system for your contaminant analysis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EDX-7200 / 8100
                                                                                                                                      ˙   Analysis of a Microscopic Metal Contaminant on a Molded Plastic Product
                                                                                                                                      EDX systems are non-destructive and can perform elemental analysis, thus are effective for analyzing contaminants that are mixed with or adhered to foods,
                                                  Complaint due to contamination
                                                                                                                                      pharmaceuticals, and other products. The sample camera and collimator allow for easy characterization of very small contaminants, and the irradiation  eld diameter
                                                                                                                                      can be adjusted to match the sample size, reducing the in uence of the surrounding material. In the example below, these system features enabled quantitative data to
                                                                                                                                      be accurately matched with reference data and the contaminant to be identi ed as SUS316 stainless steel.

                                          Examine contaminant under stereoscopic microscope
                                                     Identify shape, form, etc.
                                                                                                                                                              Contaminant area

                                                                                                                                                          Normal area
                                               Does contaminant have a metallic luster?                                                                    View of Sample                          EDX Pro les of Contaminant Area (Red)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and Normal Area (Blue) Superimposed


                                  Contaminant size
                                                 YES                                                                                                 Results from Quantitative Analysis of
                                     Larger than           X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (EDX Series)                                                Contaminant by FP Method
                                   hundreds of µm           Information on inorganic materials (elements)                                        Titanium (Ti) and Zinc (Zn) were detected in the material
                                                                                                                                                 around the contaminant and excluded from quantitative   Results of Data Matching
                                    NO                                                                                                           calculations.                        (Collected data was compared against an internal library,
                                                 YES                                                                                                                                       identifying the contaminant as SUS316)
                                    Smaller than           Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA Series)
                                   hundreds of µm        Information on inorganic materials (elements) and shape                      ˙   A Metal Particle (Approx. 0.1 mm Diameter) Attached to a Piece of Confectionery
                                                                                                                                      A metal particle approx. 0.1 mm in diameter was attached to a piece of confectionery and analyzed with irradiation  eld diameters of 1 mm and 0.3 mm. The 1 mm
                                                                                                                                       eld diameter resulted in a larger overall background effect due to irradiation scatter from the area surrounding the metal particle (from the confectionery) and a
                                                                Coordination                                                          poorer S/N ratio, while the 0.3 mm  eld diameter reduced the X-rays scattered by the surrounding area and produced in an EDX pro le with a good S/N ratio. Copper
                                                                                                                                      (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were the main components detected at both irradiation  eld diameters and the metal particle was identi ed as brass at both irradiation  eld sizes,
                                                                                                                                      but the 0.3 mm  eld size also detected a lead (Pb) peak, which suggested the metal particle was free cutting brass. This shows the smaller irradiation  eld diameter of
                                  Contaminant size                                                                                    0.3 mm offers a more accurate analysis of small contaminants surrounded by organic and other materials that generate large amounts of scattered X-rays.
                                                 YES                FTIR System with
                                     Larger than         Single Re ection ATR Accessory (Plastic Analyzer)                                                                 CuKa
                                   hundreds of µm               Information on organic materials                                                                                    П1 mm           RhKaC
                                                                 and some inorganic materials                                                                                       П0.3 mm
                                    NO                                                                                                                           CaKa       ZnKa
                                                 YES                                                                                                                                ZnKb
                                       10 to                   Infrared Microscope (AIMsight)                                                                                                         Image of Sample
                                   hundreds of µm               Information on organic materials                                                                                                     (Middle yellow circle is
                                                                 and some inorganic materials                                                                                        PbLa  PbLb1      0.3 mm in diameter)
                                    NO                                                                                                                                       CuKb                     RhKa
                                                 YES         Infrared Raman Microscope (AIRsight)                                                                 CaKb  FeKa   ZnKb      SrKa            RhKbC
                                  Smaller than 10 µm            Information on organic materials                                                                                                            RhKb
                                                                   and inorganic materials                                                                       KKa             PbLa  PbLb1
                                                              Information on carbon (burned matter)

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