Page 3 - LifeScience Multi-Omics Analysis Package
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The Multi-omics Analysis Package, developed for metabolic engineering applications, provides the ability to   Data Analysis Example
 automatically generate metabolic maps and perform a variety of data analysis for the vast data generated in  elds
 like metabolomics, proteomics and  ux analysis. It offers a powerful platform to support drug discovery,   Changes in metabolite levels in a cell culture medium over time were measured using a GC-MS system. Acquired data
 bioengineering and other life science research applications.
            was analyzed using the Multi-omics Analysis Package and metabolite changes were visualized by displaying them on a
            metabolic map.
 Automatically Visualize Quantitative Changes in Metabolites and Proteins on a
 Metabolic Map         Experiment Protocol                     Load      Shimadzu  Blank Map (GML format)
                                                                         MS Data
 Dramatically reduces the amount of work required for bottleneck processes of analyzing and visualizing data,   Import  Time Variation Data
 such as displaying data on a metabolic map and analyzing correlations.  Culture MCF-7 cell line for 15 hours.  Metabolomes  Data Mapping

 Works Perfectly with Software Developed by the World's Top Research Institutions  Replace culture medium with medium spiked  Data Mapping
                          with rotenone.
 In combination with various other software (called gadgets) connected on the GARUDA  platform, it offers
 optimal work ows for multi-dimensional analyses.  Collect culture medium after 0, 3, 6, 9, and 24 hours.
                                                                                 Discovery      Discovery
 Integrated Support for Operations from Data Acquisition to Analysis  Use GC-MS system to measure metabolite quantities.  Multiomics  VANTED
 The software includes various data processing gadgets which connect with corresponding data analysis gadgets,   Data Mapper
 providing a seamless, connected experience of a single software program.  Analyze data using Multi-omics Analysis Package.
 It is designed to work in combination with various Shimadzu databases prepared with "Ready-to-Use Methods"
 for everything from sample pretreatment to analytical conditions, which ensures the entire process  ow, from
 obtaining mass spectrometer measurements to data analysis, can be performed smoothly.


                                                          Amino acids accumulate for three hours and then decrease
 Multi-omics Data  Pathway Data
 Visualization of Correlations  Metabolome Fluxome  Proteome Transcriptome  Metabolite ID  Reactions  Lactic acid increases
 G6P ←→ F6P
 Text data  les

 Correlation  Shimadzu MS  Blank GML
 Coef cient  Data Import  Generator

                       Malic acid increases
 Multiomics                                                        Citric and isocitric acids increase
 Volcano Plot
 Cytoscape  Data


                      Succinic acid temporarily accumulates

 Comparison of Acquired Data  Automatic Visualization on a Metabolic Map
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